How important is the set or location to the overall look

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133422161

Questions: Set design, costuming and lighting techniques are important aspects that are used in a variety of ways to affect the visual story. Watch the movie clips from Black Swan, La La Land, and The Artist and answer the following questions.

  • How important is the set or location to the overall look of the film? Is it essentially a realistic or authentic set, or is it stylized to suggest a heightened reality?
  • Was the filmmaker's choice of color or black and white correct for this story? What factors do you think influenced this decision? Try to imagine the film as it would appear in the other film type. What would the differences in total effect be?
  • Is the lighting of the film (a) direct, harsh, and hard; (b) medium and balanced; or (c) soft and diffused? Does high-key or low-key lighting predominate?
  • How does the lighting contribute to the overall emotional attitude or tone of the movie clip?
  • Does the makeup for the film's major characters simply enhance the natural look of the actors or significantly transform their appearances?


Reference no: EM133422161

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