How important are reports for prosecution of a case

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM131132988

1. What do you consider to be the essential steps in developing information about a crime?

2. What advantages do you see in the concept of interroview? What disadvantages?

3. Emphasis is often placed on obtaining a confession, or at least an admission, from a suspect in a criminal inquiry. Under what conditions is a confession of greatest value? of no value?

4. The Miranda warning is now accepted by law enforcement agencies as a necessary requirement of interrogation under specific circumstances. What circumstances make it mandatory? What circumstances do not require its use?

5. Do you believe that use of the Miranda warning has increased or decreased the number of confessions obtained in criminal cases?

6. How could polygraph results be used in plea bargaining?

7. What categories are included in your police department's sources-of-information file?

8. Should informants be protected by law from having to testify in court about information they have furnished police? What are the effects on investigative procedures and the frequency of cases cleared if informants are not protected?

9. Criminals or others who give the police information about a crime that eventually leads to an arrest or a conviction are sometimes paid for the information. Is this a legitimate use of tax funds, or should private donations be used?

10. Do you think that recording interviews and interrogations facilitates or hinders the law enforcement objective of obtaining admissions and confessions? Why?

11. Imagine that a burglary has occurred each of the last four nights in a 10-block residential area in a city of 200,000 people. How might an investigator start to determine who is committing these crimes? What sources of information and techniques can be used in developing a suspect?

12. Suppose you have obtained information concerning a suspect in a rape case. Two witnesses saw someone near the rape scene at about the time of the offense, and the victim was able to describe her assailant. How should identification be made?

13. How do cooperation of the public and of other police agencies each help in identifying and arresting suspects? Which is more important: public cooperation or the cooperation of other police agencies?

14. How are people selected for a lineup? How should a lineup be conducted according to legal requirements? What is done if the suspect refuses to participate?

15. What balance must be maintained between an individual's right to privacy and the public interest when using surveillance?

16. Under what conditions should a police raid be considered?

17. In what types of crimes would the use of an undercover agent be justified?

18. What type of "tail" would you use for each of the following: Checking the loyalty of an informant? A suspected bank robber planning to "case" a bank? A burglar known to meet frequently with another burglar? Someone suspected of being an organized crime leader?

19. How much risk is involved in undercover assignments and raids? How can you minimize this risk?

20. When do outside agencies participate in surveillances, undercover assignments and raids?

21. What is the most important use of reports?

22. Do you think notes should be retained or destroyed after a report has been written?

23. How important are reports for prosecution of a case?

24. Is time a factor in the quality of reports?

25. Can the content and form of a report actually be separated?

26. What gives you the most difficulty in writing reports?

27. What are your strengths in report writing?

28. Are you familiar with any report-writing software? If so, what is your opinion of the program(s)?

29.What are the advantages and disadvantages of having citizens use online reporting?

30. How do you feel about having to submit both positive and negative information to the prosecuting attorney?

31. What is the most important use of reports?

32. Do you think notes should be retained or destroyed after a report has been written?

33. How important are reports for prosecution of a case?

34. Is time a factor in the quality of reports?

35. Can the content and form of a report actually be separated?

36. What gives you the most difficulty in writing reports?

 37. What are your strengths in report writing?

38. Are you familiar with any report-writing software? If so, what is your opinion of the program(s)?

39. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having citizens use online reporting?

40. How do you feel about having to submit both positive and negative information to the prosecuting attorney?

Reference no: EM131132988

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