How implement and communicate your brand positioning

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM131099613 , Length: word count:1500

Assignment 4: Marketing Strategy Report - Task Description

There are five sections:-

A. Executive Summary and Introduction

1. Target segment.

2. Brand Positioning.

3. Marketing Mix (4Ps) recommendations.

4. Conclusion.

A. Executive Summary

Here you will provide a summary of:-

a. the report's major purpose,

b. the analytical processes used,

c. the findings, and

d. Your recommendations.

A. Introduction- Three parts are required here:-

e. The authorization and purpose of the report tells the reader who it was who commissioned the work and why it is being produced.

f. Hindrances, these are any limitations encountered in relation to data collection, availability or access to information and information that might be confidential in nature.

g. The scope of the report summarizes what the report covers, how information will be presented, where the information comes from and how it was gathered.

Section 1 - Target Segment (about 250words); You will select ONE segment to be targeted with your recommended Marketing strategy. The Target Segment (which therefore becomes your "target market") will be one of the segments on your Segmentation Table from Assignment 3. Your decision will be based on the Segment Attractiveness Table from Assignment 3.

Section 2 - Brand Positioning (about 300 words); you will recommend a Brand Positioning for your Brand and Sub-Brand. You will then explain why this will appeal to your Target market and why this Brand Positioning provides a Point-of-Difference (also known as a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)) for your Brand and Sub-Brand compared with the competitors.

Section 3 - the Marketing Mix- the 4Ps (about750words); you will recommend a Marketing Mix - the 4Ps which will effectively implement and communicate your Brand Positioning. You will make four recommendations (one for each of the 4Ps)

Section 4 - Conclusion, Ethics and Social Responsibility (about 200 words);

-In concluding you will:-

Summarize how your recommended Marketing Mix will implement and communicate your Brand Positioning.

Show how your marketing Mix is internally-consistent. For example, if the Brand Positioning is that of a prestige product show how each of your Ps is consistent with a Prestige positioning. (Hint; ask yourself; do these recommendations make sense? Do they show my creativity and independent thought?)

words: 1500.

Harvard Referencing.

Number of Ref: above 8.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM131099613

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