How HPW contributes to employee engagement

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM132245405 , Length: 3000 Words

Assignment - Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations

Learning Outcomes:

  • Analyse employee knowledge, skills and behaviours required by HR professionals.
  • Analyse the factors to be considered when implementing and evaluating inclusive learning and development to drive sustainable business performance.
  • Apply knowledge and understanding to the ways in which high-performance working (HPW) contributes to employee engagement and competitive advantage.
  • Evaluate ways in which performance management, collaborative working and effective communication can support high-performance culture and commitment.

Introduction -

Business growth through higher productivity and enhanced competitiveness is of critical importance to the global economic recovery and future prosperity in general. Hence, the British Department for Business, Innovation and Skills recently published a report in which a considerable body of evidence shows that wider adoption of High Performance Work Practices (HPWPs) would improve a firm's performance and contribute to growth.

Employees report higher job satisfaction, motivation, involvement, commitment and greater opportunities for innovation and creativity with such working conditions, environments and systems.

The system comprises a coherent bundle of high performance work practices including Continuing Professional Development (CPD) which is the means by which professionals maintain and enhance their knowledge and skills. The CPD initiative aims at empowering people and organisations with the skills and knowledge to drive performance, as well as inspire change and unlock potential.

The Whirlpool HPW Case -

In a "company crisis" scenario which culminated in 2011, the North America Regional Staff of Whirlpool who are responsible for executing organizational and strategic changes to sustain the company embarked upon a major restructuring.

The team was aware that the restructuring would require well-informed, timely decision-making, efficient, effective and cross-functional collaboration if the business was to move forward since the organisation was increasingly depending upon teams for innovation and productivity, and that simply being "effective" was not always enough.

The survey in Whirlpool measured its team in the North America Region (NAR) on five core dimensions critical for exceptional team performance. These dimensions include; Shared Commitment to the Company Vision and Extraordinary Goals, Shared Accountability for Results, Transparent Communication, Constructive Conflict, Mutual Respect and Solidarity. With a clear understanding of what needed to be accomplished with the restructuring, the NAR Staff became one of the first teams to ever engage in the HPT assessment process and to implement the necessary changes to ensure HPW.

With these findings Whirlpool employees in the course of a one-day team development session agreed to implement the following changes to improve team functioning:

a. The lengthy and too-often unproductive weekly team meeting was streamlined by focusing on resolving the most urgent operational issues affecting the business.

b. Any NAR staff member who had specific individual needs to address with the president or other team members did so outside of the team meeting, thereby avoiding personal conversations at the weekly staff meeting.

c. Special off-site meetings were arranged so the NAR Staff could thoughtfully and creatively address strategic issues.

d. "End run" communications with the president were eliminated.

e. Team members committed to working more collaboratively to solve business problems by listening to each other and challenging one another, ultimately replacing a "hub-and-spoke" engagement model with the president as the hub.

In addition to these team-level changes, Whirlpool Staff made individual commitments to align their individual behaviour with the newly developed expectations of the team. Those who previously worked in relative isolation agreed to engage with one another before taking certain actions and to self-improve their skills. What was implicitly playing out below the surface was openly put on the table in a fair but explicit way. This helped team members engage in transparent communication and embrace personal ownership for the team's performance."

A second administration of the HPT showed the following:-

1. Shared Commitment to the Vision and Extraordinary Goals

2. Team members communicate a consistent message about the team's vision and goals throughout the organization.

3. Team members demonstrate an enterprise perspective even when executing our individual priorities.

4. Shared Accountability for Results

5. Transparent Communication

6. Team has an appropriate forum for constructive debate and discussion about the issues facing the company.

7. Mutual Respect and Solidarity

The follow up scores demonstrate that in just a half-year period and during a critical time in Whirlpool's business, the HPT effectiveness process helped to improve the organisation performance, strongly enhancing the team's ability to deliver exceptional results.

Scenario: As a HR consultant for Whirlpool, it is required of you to present a report at the annual Confederation of British Industry workshop highlighting ways in which performance management, collaborative working and effective communication can support high-performance culture and commitment.

Please address the LOs and assessment criteria as specified below. [You are encouraged to use practical examples from appropriate sources to support the various principles, concepts and theories that will ensure effective training and development practices]

Using the scenario address the following in approximately 3000 words:

1. Carry out a mini-research to determine the appropriate and professional knowledge, skills and behaviours that are required by HR professionals in an organisation with special reference to the case study at Whirlpool.

2. Analyse a completed personal skills audit to identify appropriate knowledge, skills and behaviours and develop a professional development plan for a given job role with special reference to the case study at Whirlpool.

3. Analyse the differences between organisational and individual learning, training and development with reference to the case study at Whirlpool.

4. Analyse the need for continuous learning and professional development to drive sustainable business performance with reference to the case study at Whirlpool.

5. Demonstrate understanding of how HPW contributes to employee engagement and competitive advantage within the organisational situation.

6. Evaluate different approaches to performance management (e.g. collaborative working), and demonstrate with specific examples how they can support high-performance culture and commitment with special reference to the case study at Whirlpool.

Reference no: EM132245405

Questions Cloud

What is the primary message you must convey to your audience : What is the primary message you must convey to your audience? Is the message aligned with your audience's goals and needs?
Create a team at work to meet a specific need within company : A description of the goals of the group/team and how many team members will be needed.
What concepts and theories were ineffective : What concepts and theories were effective for Crocs in your analysis? Why were they effective? What concepts and theories were ineffective?
Assess ethical and privacy considerations of information : Assess ethical and privacy considerations of information gathered from the POS system or purchased items. Your paper should be in paragraph form.
How HPW contributes to employee engagement : Demonstrate understanding of how HPW contributes to employee engagement and competitive advantage within the organisational situation
Performance test-work sample test-situational judgement test : Personality test, any type of ability test, emotional intelligence test, performance test, work sample test, situational judgement test,
Study the gospel accounts of the death of christ : Study the Gospel accounts of the death of Christ (including Last Supper, Garden of Gethsemane, capture, crucifixion, resurrection).
How should a company leadership respond : Scan current authoritative business sources to locate and discuss some global factor that pertains to the health insurance market domain.
Reflect on how achieving the goals of the mdgs may impact : Reflect on how achieving the goals of the MDGs may impact global society and influence your current or future work in public health in a global context.



2/28/2019 2:31:25 AM

Total 3000 words +/-10%. Project Brief and Guidance: Learners need to have read carefully the instructions before attempting any of the questions. The project is to be addressed with reference to the scenario addressing learning outcomes 1 to 4. The learners will be assessed through the written report submitted by them addressing the Pass, Merit and Distinction criteria.Contribution: 100% of the module.


2/28/2019 2:31:19 AM

Project Guidelines: Use a standard report structure, Word-process the report and use Normal script of font size 12. Produce an academic report, addressing all the tasks with an approx. word limit of 3000, with +/- 10% margin. Complete the title page and sign the statement of authenticity (format attached). This sheet should be attached in the front of your project. It should be uploaded on to Turnitin in the submission period as assigned. Projects submitted after the deadline will not be accepted unless a mitigating circumstance is provided. Projects submitted after the submission date may not be eligible for support towards feedback. Resubmission is capped to a pass. Learners are allowed to resubmit only once and if they fail to pass at the time of resubmission, would be advised to retake the unit. Collusion and Plagiarism must be avoided.


2/28/2019 2:31:13 AM

Start each answer on a new page and pages should be numbered. Highlight each question clearly. All work should be comprehensively referenced and all sources must be fully acknowledged, such as books and journals, websites (include the date of visit), etc. Include a References/Bibliography at the end of the project. Use the Harvard referencing system. In order to pass you need to address all Pass criteria. In order to get a merit you need to address all the merit criteria along with pass criteria. In order to get a Distinction you need to address all the distinction criteria along with pass and Use a common report format in writing, for example: Introduction (analyse the question.) Underpinning Knowledge (write about the relevant theory/points) Applied knowledge(Application to a business scenario and supported by applicable data) Conclusions and Recommendations (summarizing the whole scenario keeping in view pass, merit, distinction criteria.).


2/28/2019 2:31:05 AM

The satisfactory answer to the above addresses P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, & P6. Awards of Merit and Distinction are based on the elements of application, critical analysis and evaluation in the content of the project. The module will be assessed and graded against the Pass, Merit and Distinction criteria as specified in the assessment grid below issued by the awarding body, Pearson Ed excel. Produce a detailed and coherent professional development plan that appropriately sets out learning goals and training in relation to the learning cycle to achieve sustainable business performance objectives. Provide valid synthesis of knowledge and information resulting in appropriate judgements on how HPW and mechanisms used to support HPW lead to improved employee engagement, commitment and competitive advantage.

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