How hindrances from component are often time turned around

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Reference no: EM133638221

Assignment: Strategic Repositioning

Interviewing for the Job

Your day has come. You are excited because at this point the consulting company has invited you to an interview with a large midwestern university that is indeed interested in hiring you to be a consultant working on a two-year contract in helping the university drive new levels of growth and improvement. To prepare for this opportunity you are writing a brief synopsis to your boss in relationship to the topics you intend to cover with this much coveted client. To that end, be reminded that your goal will be to partner with this higher education institution in hopes of helping them to become much more contemporary, forward thinking, and successful. To do so you will talk about the following:

I. Component I: Introduction: in the introduction you will articulate some of the modern-day challenges of higher education institutions.

II. Component II: You will talk about some of the major hindrances associated with traditional higher education institutions.

III. Component III: Discuss how the hindrances from component 2 are often times turned around and used as advantages and accelerators for improvement and how through strategic planning and innovation these old traditions can be repositioned in a way that leads to better outcomes.

IV. Component IV: Conclusion: In this conclusion you'll offer a synthesis of these main points.

Ensure in executing this assignment that you make specific references to the readings provided as well as the utilization of at least five outside references which can be used to support your ideas presented. The use of outside sources is important because even though the materials provided for this course are excellent, as a graduate student you are expected to be able to consult a variety of sources regarding a given topic and synthesize that scholarly input into a thoughtful set of recommendations, conclusions, etc.

Reference no: EM133638221

Questions Cloud

What decision you make and justify in killing of adolf hitle : Which has more significance: taboo discussion at the individual or societal level? What decision would you make and justify in the killing of Adolf Hitler.
How do you start your day at your teller window : When you arrive at work, how do you enter the branch? Once you are in the door, how do you start your day at your teller window?
Describe what is meant by strategic repositioning : Describe what is meant by strategic repositioning and how leader at university level could utilize the task to indeed improve outcome and enhance sustainability
Describe the different types of temperaments in children : Describe five characteristics that are used to describe temperament. Describe the different types of temperaments in children.
How hindrances from component are often time turned around : Discuss how the hindrances from component 2 are often times turned around and used as advantages and accelerators for improvement and how through strategic plan
What populations are at highest risk of the health issue : Identify specified community/population and health issue for your Community Needs Assessment project. What populations are at highest risk of this health issue?
Who transported them to facility to visit their loved ones : In this phase, the plan is being carried out and making the desired changes to the process. Who transported them to the facility to visit their loved ones.
Appointment time slots for particular physician : A radiology facility has been holding appointment time slots for a particular physician to use for his patients.
How can investment in social determinants of health : How can Investment in social determinants of health help address the disparities that resulted from Covid-19?


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