Reference no: EM131922327
Learn about a disease that affects your family. Talk about the history of how heart disease affected family members in past. (My family is known to have heart disease because most of my relatives and distant relatives were smokers). Talk about other susceptible causes of this disease as well.
Minimum things to include are:
1. Name of disease
2. Cause
3. Symptoms
4. Diagnosis
5. Effects
6. Complications
7. Prevention/Reduction in risk
8. Delay of onset
9. Is it hereditary?
10. Does lifestyle contribute?
11. What was new and/or interesting to you?
Must be:
1. 3-pages in length minimum-report only, typewritten
2. 1" margins-all four sides (RESET PRESET MARGINS)
3. Spell and grammar check
4. Double space (Do this after report is finished)
5. 12 font New Times Roman or Times Roman
6. No bolding
7. Cover page-Title, name, date, period (title does not go on
8. report pages)
9. MLA, Work Cited-minimum 5 reputable sources-not Wikipedia
10. MLA, Citation within body/NO PLAGIARISM
11. Pictures or graphs, lists, etc., cover page Title, and Work Cited DO NOT count as part of the minimum 3.5 pages typewritten.