How have your shared information about their child

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133422269


1. Being immersed as you are in inclusion practice, suggest one (1) way in which the service could improve outcomes with their practices on inclusion, equity and diversity, relating to Quality Area 3.

2. Reflect on the interactions you've been having with families over the last two weeks and identify the ways in which you have been building positive relationships

a. Give an overview of one (1) interaction between yourself and a family member, i.e., topic points, where the interaction took place and some context.

b. Identify what made that interaction positive for the family member. Give at least one (1)

c. Review how you were 'being' in the interaction and be specific about how your behaviour or attributes facilitated connection, trust and respect. Dig deep and be really clear and specific about what you believe made the impact. e.g.:

  • Communication strategy?
  • Intention?
  • Attitude?
  • Manner?
  • Finding common ground?
  • Other?

3. One of the factors that builds trust and connection in relationships is how responsive they are. When working with families, it's important to keep them up to date with what is happening, when it's happening and give information in such a way that it enables shared responsibility for solution building. This grows trust.

How have you done this in your collaboration with families this week?

  • How have your shared information about their child, particularly about your observations and evaluations?
  • Was it timely? Please define your assessment of this.
  • Did you include the family in the solution building? Please describe how you did or didn't . i.e., what actions did you undertake as suggested by the family?
  • In what way were you sensitive to the family's needs and experience, and how did you navigate this in your communication?

Reference no: EM133422269

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