How have you heard it being used in your own personal life

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Reference no: EM133668138


Part 1

"Most scholars agree that there is a constant interplay between nature (heredity) and nurture (the environment). It is difficult to isolate the root of any single characteristic as a result solely of nature or nurture, and most scholars believe that even determining the extent to which nature or nurture impacts a human feature is difficult to answer. In fact, almost all human features are polygenic (a result of many genes) and multifactorial (a result of many factors, both genetic and environmental). It's as if one's genetic make-up sets up a range of possibilities, which may or may not be realized depending upon one's environmental experiences... This bidirectional interplay between nature and nurture is the epigenetic framework, which suggests that the environment can affect the expression of genes just as genetic predispositions can impact a person's potentials. And environmental circumstances can trigger symptoms of a genetic disorder."

Now, let's think about children who live in stressful or at risk environments and how that may affect their development, health and behavior. You should think about equity issues in this conversation as well. What about the affect of poverty on a child's development. Think about access to good nutrition for children (access to good food (food deserts), quality child care)? What about environmental risks - exposure to smoke, lead, etc.? How can we help children develop to their full potential?

Part 2


According to Piaget, there are two mental processes which are required for learning something-assimilation and accommodation. In this activity, you will discover on your own what these two words mean.

Time to Reflect:

I. Reflect on the word "accommodate". What does it mean to you. How have you heard it being used in your own personal life? (Consider the following common uses, as you reflect: "He was very accommodating to his guests." )

Piaget argues that every time a person sees or hears something new (e.g., is confronted with a new idea in class, sees some puzzling object in nature which she/he has never seen before) he/she must accommodate to this new idea or object. What do you think he means by this?

II. Reflect on the word "assimilate". What does it mean to you. How have you heard it being used in your own personal life? (Consider the following common uses, as you reflect: "The family had fully assimilated into the new culture." or "There was simply too much information for me to assimilate.")

Piaget argues that every time a person sees or hears something new, she/he must also assimilate that new information into that which he/she already knows. What do you think he means by this?

III. Piaget says that assimilation and accommodation have to both occur in order for learning to occur. Identify accommodation and assimilation in the example below.

A four-year-old child is using templates to trace shapes in the math center. As she traces a rectangle, a teacher moves over and asks, "What shape is that?" "A square," the child announces.

"No," the teacher says, "that's called a 'rectangle.'" The child shrugs and continues tracing. Later, in the block area, the child is placing two square blocks together to build on top of a rectangular one. She studies the blocks a moment, then calls out, "Teacher! Here's that rectangle again."

IV. The final step is to discuss how you learned about assimilation and accommodation in this activity. In what ways did you assimilate these new ideas into what you already knew about? In what ways did you accommodate to this new information.

Reference no: EM133668138

Questions Cloud

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While the humanities have scholarly standards : While the humanities have scholarly standards, it is unclear to most people what the humanities' social purpose is or how humanistic inquiry
Brandon also was bullied in one of his group home : Brandon also was bullied in one of his group home which could also result in him being depressed.
What information do these diagnoses provide you as educator : What information do these diagnoses provide you as an educator? What information is not included with these diagnoses that need to be considered?
How have you heard it being used in your own personal life : Reflect on the word accommodate. What does it mean to you. How have you heard it being used in your own personal life?
Explain how can you apply one or more of self-care practices : Explain how can you apply one or more of these self-care practices to enhance your life as a Human Services professional.
Develop their cognitive skills to their fullest potential. : Create the conditions necessary for students to effectively engage with Bloom's Taxonomy and develop their cognitive skills to their fullest potential.
Describe one example of an eclectic approach to abnormality : Many clinicians view their approach as eclectic. What is an eclectic approach to abnormality? Describe one example of an eclectic approach to abnormality.
Evaluate how the therapist applies clinical concepts : Evaluate how the therapist applies clinical concepts, such as cognitive errors and cognitive restructuring, as treatment tools, without imposing.


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