How have these demographic changes influenced

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Reference no: EM133490875

Now that you have been introduced to the functions of government in Chapter 14 and the democratic process in the U.S. in Chapter 16, watch the following two videos from the Pew Research Center about political polarization in the U.S. "How Republican and Democratic Voters Have Changed Since 1992Links to an external site." and "How Polarizing Is Donald Trump?Links to an external site.

Question 1: According to the videos, how has the demographic composition of the Republican and Democratic parties changed over time?

Question 2: How have these demographic changes influenced the political views of the Republican and Democratic parties?

Question 3: In you opinion, how has the growing political polarization in the U.S. impacted the ability of the government to perform its basic functions? Do you think it has been harmful to democracy in the U.S.?

Reference no: EM133490875

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