How have other people and organizations solved same problem

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Reference no: EM132244316

Discuss: Topics for the Literature Review & Research-Based Persuasive Report

This week you begin work on your final project, the research-based persuasive report, which is at the end of the session. Each assignment that you do from this point forward in the course will take you one step closer to completing the final project. In effect, from now until the end of the course, you will be completing bits of this final report.

What Should I Write About? This week, you will begin work on the final project by choosing a topic (see suggestions below). Before doing so, let's review the assignment directions for the Research-Based Persuasive Report:

Write a report to a decision-maker on a problem that you identify in an organization or community. Propose a solution for the problem. The report should:

define the problem accurately that exists in your organization or community

propose a solution to the problem or issue that works for your organization or community

present the solution to a decision-maker or group of decision-makers who can implement it.

Implied Structure. This assignment description implies that the project include:

Identification and description of the problem. The description of the problem should include any background information necessary as well as specific, detailed examples of the problem so that the reader can have a clear sense of what is happening.

Analysis of the problem. In this section (and note that a section can consist of multiple paragraphs), you should drill down to the causes of the problem. In doing so, you should draw upon the course materials we have covered, you own first-hand observation and investigation of the problem, and outside research.

Solutions to the problem. How can the problem be remedied? This is an area where research of "best practices" can be important to the solutions that you come up with. In other words, how have other people and organizations solved the same problem? How can those solutions be applied to your situation?

What have been successful topics in past classes? Good question, and variety is the answer. The topic you choose is less important than your ability to describe the problem, analyze it, and provide solutions for it in the context of your organization. Here are some topics that have resulted in top papers in the past:

Some possible topics related to communication issues within the workplace or community environment:

Cross-cultural communication problems at a DC-area bank

Communicating computer security information and procedures to remote workers

Effect of combat stress on communication in a military unit

Lack of effective communication from managers to employees in a U.S. government agency

Overcoming communication obstacles in a command's family outreach program

Overcoming communication barriers between German and American business associates

Communication pitfalls in a small business environment

Communication barriers between civilian and military personnel working together

Effective RFP Development in a contracting corporation

Establishing and maintaining effective communication channels with a non-profit's volunteer workers

Improving customer flow and satisfaction in a retail store with improved signage

Communication barriers facing the adult student returning to college

How to educate the elderly to avoid internet scams

Here are some possible workplace research topics:

Going to a wireless network

Switching from Windows to Linux (or other similar switch)

Installing/upgrading a company firewall

Establishing a workplace drug policy

Establishing an employee leave donation program

Establishing an equipment donation program for used computers, etc.

Establishing a company recycling program (paper, etc.)

Education/retraining for your employees

Designing a training program for workplace safety issues

Redesigning employee performance evaluations

Developing a work-at-home (telecommuting) policy

Developing a flex-time policy

Establishing on-site day care or providing other child care benefits

Providing gym membership or creating an on-site workout facility

Creating or revising a charitable contribution policy

Creating or improving a tuition assistance program

Accommodations needed for employee/s with specific health issues (for example, migraines)

Establishing a Habitat for Humanity (or other group) chapter at your organization

Some students have chosen topics outside of their workplaces, such as:

Starting a neighborhood watch program

Starting a mentor program at your place of worship

Getting additional lighting in the neighborhood

Changing traffic patterns around your child's school

Starting a PTA website for your child's school

Installing a "tot lot" in your neighborhood

Constructing a crying baby room at your place of worship

Offering ESL courses at your church

Increasing participation in a military Family Support Group

Introducing a youth sports program to a school or community


Your first step toward completing the final project, the research-based persuasive report, is to choose a topic to work on for the rest of this course. You may choose one of the topics above or come up with one of your own.

In either case, post your chosen topic to the discussion board below and in three paragraphs:

Provide background detail on the topic so that we can further understand it.

Describe why you are motivated to explore this topic--why is it important to you?

Explain what you hope results from your work on it on this topic. What do you envision as the best possible outcome and benefits?

Please respond to at least one other student's post and provide any suggestions that you think could help the other person further define the topic.

Reference no: EM132244316

Questions Cloud

What sort of identity are you aiming to present : Drawing on your personal experiences, you will discuss the way your identity is presented in social interaction. How are your identities - cultural, linguistic.
Analyze the annual loss of revenue by professional sector : Outline the potential risks, vulnerabilities, and threats that could be incurred through the lack of a dedicated database security specialist.
How biometrics could be used for physical security : Create a list of 10 best practices and choose which practice you believe is the most important. Justify your answer
Search the internet for the term data classification model : Compare the ISO/IEC 27001 outline with the NIST documents discussed in this chapter. Which areas, if any, are missing from the NIST documents?
How have other people and organizations solved same problem : Analysis of the problem. In this section (and note that a section can consist of multiple paragraphs), you should drill down to the causes of the problem.
Analyze trade-off between overtime costs and inventory costs : Analyze the trade-off between overtime costs and inventory costs. Compare and contrast the types of production processing-job shop, batch, repetitive.
Identify three best practices in the user domain : Determine the impact that factors such as physical security, device type, and open source software might have on the choices that are made.
Are the standard deviation or the interquartile range factor : Should you use the median or mean to describe a data set if the data are not skewed? Are the standard deviation or the interquartile range factors?
Write review of the documentary : Watch the PBS Frontline documentary called "The Plea," which can be found online. Write a 2-3 page double-spaced review of the documentary.


Write a Review

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Identify the anatomical structures of the male and female reproductive systems. Explain the physiology of reproduction.

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What are the motivations of average congressmen? (What influences their vote? What structures their lives? What are their fears and aspirations?)

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