Reference no: EM133176399
Pick a technology in any particular domain - Example: Higher Education, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Retail, etc
A Technology Brief: a paper of no more than four (4) pages
Why is this technology and it's domain interesting and important?
What stage of evolution is the technology and its domain in now, and what are the major points of its development history? What are the metrics that characterize each stage in its history, e.g., performance metrics, number of companies, rate of penetration or adoption, type of technology, rate of technological change or innovation trajectory?
How have customer needs and segments evolved over time?
What are the key factors in diffusion and adoption in this domain now, and what do you anticipate them to be in the future?
How do you expect the key technologies in this domain to evolve? Are there likely to be natural technology limits, have there been or will there be significant disruptions? Why and when?
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How have customer needs and segments evolved over time
: Pick a technology in any particular domain - Example: Higher Education, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Retail, etc
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