How has what you learned changed your opinions and beliefs

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Reference no: EM133472155

Discussion Post: Advocacy

Question I. What have you learned in this unit about parents, families and teachers as advocates? How has what you learned changed your opinions/beliefs about child advocacy and about the role of teachers in supporting and promoting equity?

Question II. Examine the effectiveness of Dr. Pierson's communication techniques in the TED Talk "Every Kid Needs a Champion". How might you use Dr. Pierson's techniques in your advocacy efforts for children and families?

Reference no: EM133472155

Questions Cloud

Define renqing and mianzi and explain how they play a part : Define renqing (human feelings) and mianzi (face) and explain how they play a part in quanxi. - Explain what is meant by the guanxi being reciprocal.
What were the justifications given by state officials : What were the justifications given by state officials (Including employees of the institution) regarding the conditions at Willowbrook?
What kind of action plan can be used : What kind of action plan can be used and what can we do to play better these games. For example finish the production on time or to deliver on time
Describe an ecosystem : Describe an ecosystem, and describe 4 other types of biomes) name and discuss how elephants are threatened in Africa.
How has what you learned changed your opinions and beliefs : How has what you learned changed your opinions/beliefs about child advocacy and about the role of teachers in supporting and promoting equity?
How does the organizations - affect the practice : How does the organizations ( the world Trade Organization and the International Monetary Fund) affect the practice of supply chain and logistics management
What the research discovered and the types of analysis : what the research discovered and the types of analysis that were used to describe the findings - which can mean one of two scholarly writing activities.
Explain the similarity in the paths : Explain the similarity in the paths that a star follows along the H-R diagram as it forms from a protostar
How many unique sequences are there in a retroviral provirus : How many copies of the viral 5' unique sequences are there in a retroviral provirus?


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