How has the size of your family changed

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Reference no: EM133497467

Question: Explains your family's demographic profile and how it has changed (if at all) over the past two to four generations. For example:

How has the size of your family changed from one generation to the next (i.e., the size of your great-grandparents' and grandparents' families compared to your parents' families and your own)?
· What might be some reasons for any notable changes over time?
· Are there any inter-generational differences in terms of how long your family members have lived?
· How might the residential location of your family members have influenced your family's demographic profiles over the different generations (e.g., living on a farm vs. in the city, changing social norms, government policies, family income, etc.)?

Part Two: Population Geography and Migration

As a key part of studying and understanding migration, population geographers also focus on determining who migrants are, where they've come from and where they've gone as migrants, and why they've made such a migratory journey. With this in mind, your second task is to wri te about your family's migration experiences. For example:

· When did your ancestors come to Canada (if at all)? What have been some other major mi gratory movements by your family members over the years? In each case, what were the push and/ or pull factors that brought them to Canada or elsewhere? Have they moved since? If so, why?
· What about your own immediate family, including yourself? How often, if at all, have you and your immediate family migrated?
· Have you ever migrated alone? In each case, what have been the related push and/or pull factors? Finally, do you foresee yourself migrating anywhere in particular upon graduating from university? If so, where and why? If not, why do you think you'll remain where you currently live? (And yes, it's OK to go back to what you wrote in Short Paper #3 to answer these last few questions! This is meant to show you how different sub-disciplines of human geography, like economic geography and population geography, come together with an overarching concern for quality-of-place and quality-of-life.)

Reference no: EM133497467

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