How has the pandemic affected artists

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Reference no: EM132933993

Art and Imagination: Looking at Art

Writing assignment involves using perception, reflection, and imagination. NO research is required - there should be no evidence of research in this paper. Instead, you will be using the course textbook Exploring Art: A Global Thematic Approach and the Guardian article "The Future of the Arts: ‘The World is Coming into Visual Art on a Human Scale'." There are two separate, independent parts to this writing assignment. Part A: Selecting one artwork from the text (see below), you will explore your own thoughts and ideas after spending time carefully considering the artwork. Part B: Drawing from your experience in reading about and looking at art, you will link your observations to the Guardian article. This writing assignment will be composed in essay form; both parts will be in one essay.

Approximately 525 words (not including Bibliography/Works Cited page) Composed in essay form (introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion) Include in-text citations
Font size 12/double-spaced

You must select ONE of the artworks from our textbook, listed below. The focus of this writing assignment involves your own careful examination of this work of art. We have been looking at many artworks throughout the course and that necessarily requires that we don't spend considerable time on any one artwork. This is exactly what you will do now. Look at it every day, recording your thoughts and observations.

Jaune Quick-to-See Smith Genesis
Utagawa Kunisada Shoki the Demon Queller
Blanket, Tlingit people
Ronald Davis Cube and Four Panels (38) Robert Gober Untitled
Douglas Schlesier Stone God Forbidden City Kiki Smith Born
The Reader, Unknown artist Margaret Lazzari Aqueous El Anatsui Sasa
Eagle Knight, Unknown artist Kay Sage Tomorrow (99) Saltcellar, Unknown artist Female Fertility Figure
Reliquary Guardian Figure (254/237)

Part A:
Through careful and repeated observation or your selected artwork you will notice different things. Take note of your different thoughts about and responses to the work. Looking at the artwork at different times and days, will undoubtably reveal different ideas.

You must include many of the ideas below.

• Subject matter - Who or what is represented; what is emphasized in the work?

• Formal features - Do NOT identify all the formal feature in the artwork; instead, discuss what you think are its key features. How do they function in the image?
• What effect does the work have on you? Why did you decide to spend time thinking about this work?
• Is this an artwork that you think is difficult or challenging? Is it humorous? Complex? Why?
• Is the work aesthetically pleasing to you? Explain.
• What is the significance of the title?
• What do you imagine has taken place? Does the image suggest something has happened or will happen? Does it provide hints to the personality of the person/people who are represented (or of who created it)? Allow your imagination to develop ideas: don't censor yourself. This is an important part of the experience of really looking at and spending time with artworks.
• Ask yourself the question, "Based on what I see, what do I think the artist is trying to say?"
• Feel free to add other ideas and comments when reflecting on this work.

Part B:

Read carefully the Guardian article "The Future of the Arts: ‘The World is Coming into Visual Art on a Human Scale'". The writer is European, and talking about galleries in Europe; there are many ideas and thoughts about looking at art and our current circumstances that she comments on. While summarizing some of the ideas discussed in the essay, also reflect on your experience of the "virtual gallery visit" and more generally, of looking at art during the pandemic.

You must include at least 3 direct references to "The Future of the Arts: ‘The World is Coming into Visual Art on a Human Scale'" in relation to your ideas. All your references must include in-text citations.

Include the following:

• What comments does the writer make about looking at reproductions (not the actual artworks)? What are your thoughts about this? In what ways do you imagine really visiting a gallery would be different from the experience of visiting one virtually? Comment on your experience of looking at a reproduction of art (Part A).
• What are some of the impacts she discusses of the pandemic on art galleries and the arts community?
• How has the pandemic affected artists?
• Does the writer imply there will be changes in galleries and our relationship with art because of the pandemic? Do you think our experience of living during a pandemic will change our attitudes toward and relationship with art?

• Add your additional comments and ideas.

Reference no: EM132933993

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7/4/2021 10:47:56 PM

I am first semester student and doing associate of arts course in canada and can you please help me writing assignment.

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