Reference no: EM133257755
The U.S. is considered lower in uncertainty avoidance. However, Americans increasingly rely on technology to answer their questions (e.g., GPS, weather channels, public transportation apps). Is this just convenient, or are we becoming more nervous about the unknown (i.e., higher uncertainty avoidant)?
2. The three newer conflict management styles (i.e., emotionally expressive, passive-aggressive, and third-party help) add a more nuanced understanding of the conflict. However, one criterion of evaluating theory is succinctness. Could these three be grouped in the original five, or do we need them to be distinct? Explain.
3. LMX relationships are ideal; however, we still do not understand whether the employee performance leads to the relationship or the relationship leads to performance. Why is this so challenging for us to determine? What could we do to figure out what comes first?
4. On her 30th birthday, Pat decided to throw a party and invite everybody she knew to the festivities! She invited her family, friends, co-workers, church members, community theater colleagues, and charity executive board members. She is a little nervous about the event, but she wants everybody to meet everybody else. How would anxiety uncertainty theory explain Pat's apprehension?
5. CAT is concerned with how we adapt our communication when we interact with others. How has the nightly television news made its messages easier for people to understand? How have they changed their approach to making the message universal for their broader cultural audience?