How has the music tv industry been affected by the internet

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM13757965

Please review all the topics below, and choose one with your group members.

1. How do computer viruses spread and in what ways do they affect computers?

2. How has the Music/TV industry been affected by the internet and digital downloading?
>>How have sites such as Youtube , Netflix, Hulu, affected the TV/Music industry

3. Microblogging
>>It has surfaced and inspired mainly by people's tendency to jot down babble and post it. They consist of sites like Twitter and Chinese equivalent Weibo (??), also Facebook Status Updates, which are very popular. In what way has Microblogging revolutionized the way information is consumed?

4. From where does spam email come and can we stop it?

5. Cell Phones - How have they changed us socially?

6. Cloud Computing - What is it and related Security Issues .

7. Cyber Crime - Identity Theft
>>What are the latest ways to steal identity and money? Social Security numbers are the most valuable pieces of consumer information for identity thieves! How can we prepare and protect ourselves?

8. Internet Censorship
>>How is internet censorship used in China/Middle East/Korea ? Should parents censor what their children are looking at? Should companies see what employees are doing in their time?

9. Computer waste and the environment: whose problem is it?
>>You'd never guess it, but your PC puts about 1,000 pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year! What can you do to help?

10. Internet and children
>>Are children smarter (or more socialized) because of the Internet?

11. Privacy of Medical Records
>>What medical information should be confidential? Who, if anybody, should have access to medical records? Is your data safe?

12. Internet Dating
>>Internet dating is proving a much more successful way to find long-term romance and friendship for thousands of people than was previously thought, new research shows! Is it safe and for everyone?

13. Augmentive Technology for the Handicapped
>>Using technology to improve the quality of life of the disabled. Some products are natural-voice talkers for the speech impaired, single-switch Internet surfing for quadriplegics, robotic wheelchairs, sensory systems to teach cause-and-effect to severely delayed children, tablet PCs that translate the uncharacteristic handwriting of people with spastic cerebral palsy, and a means to extend special-education class work to home-bound and hospital-bound children, among many other ideas

Reference no: EM13757965

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