How has the increasing use of artificial intelligence

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM133557276

Case Study: In an uploaded Word document along with your name, course number and date on the top left corner in 12 point type face with indented paragraphs and double spacing, look back to your introductory post. Pick one. Write the topic you have selected. Using your own knowledge as well as internet sources, encyclopedias, or Opposing Viewpoints in Context from the library, brainstorm FOUR words or phrases related to your topic. At least one of your listed terms must be denoted as a synonym for the chosen subject. If needed, use a concept map to connect ideas around your topic and develop key words.

Topic 1: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Job Market

Question 1: How has the increasing use of artificial intelligence affected employment opportunities in different industries?




Reference no: EM133557276

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