How has that impacted your work performance

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM133466102

Homework: Job Satisfaction vs. Organizational Commitment

This homework will build on the first homework, with a deeper focus on motivation and performance management.

Thinking again about your previous and current work experiences, consider what is more important to you: job satisfaction or organizational commitment. In this paper you will explain your choice, your rationale for that choice, and how it has impacted your work performance, as well as identify motivational theories and their impact on employees.

Write a 2-3 page paper (excluding the title page and reference page in the count) in which you respond to the following:

Question A. What is more important to you: job satisfaction or organizational commitment, and why?

Question B. How has that impacted your work performance?

Question C. What motivational theory is used for performance management purposes by your organization, and what is the impact on employee morale?

The specific course learning outcome associated with this homework is:

A. Examine employee work performance and motivational theory in the context of a real-world organization.

Reference no: EM133466102

Questions Cloud

Determine effective responses to clinical problems : Determine effective responses to clinical problems integrating information technology, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and interprofessional
List two jobs you have held in the past : List two jobs you have held in the past. - How were you recruited for each of these jobs? - Consider a job you hold now or have held recently.
What do you think are the key qualities leaders : What do you think are the key qualities leaders must have to motivate followers.
Provide a specific business ethical situation you encounter : Using Financial Accounting, provide a specific business ethical situation you have encountered and how the situation was potentially unethical.
How has that impacted your work performance : What is more important to you: job satisfaction or organizational commitment, and why? How has that impacted your work performance?
Create plan to guide you as you form professional identity : Determine the attributes that help form the professional nurses identity and Apply principles of professional identity and professionalism
Ensure businesses organzational structure globally : The Walt Disney Company--focus of the organization on creativity, empower creative leaders and ensure businesses organzational structure globally.
What was least amount in dollars that your box lunch cost : Has the dollar appreciated or depreciated against the yen? What was the least amount in dollars that your box lunch cost? The most?
What is approximate cost in dollars and time to integrate : What is the approximate cost in dollars and time to integrate these applications? Who utilizes the product/application and how effective does the product work?


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Microeconomics Questions & Answers

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  Define the three basic approaches to ethical behavior

Define the three basic approaches to ethical behavior. Discuss your views on each of these ethical behaviors. Describe Friedman's view on the responsibilities of business.

  Describe the global car industry characteristics

Describe NASCAR in terms of product design, manufacturing, marketing, and corporate culture. How do you suggest NASCAR increase its presence in the global automobile market?

  How each would probably behave in a strong economy

Economic analysis is generally viewed as an integral part of the top-down approach to security analysis. In this context, identify each of the following.

  Compare and contrast direct finance and indirect finance

Compare and contrast direct finance and indirect finance. Which is more likely to have a larger share of the total financial market in a mature economy? In a young economy? Why?

  Write down the difference between an informative speech and

what is the difference between an informative speech and a persuasive speech? why is speaking to persuade more

  Do you think that nafta has forced the us economy

Do you think that NAFTA has forced the US economy to reallocate its resources to more capital intensive goods? If so, what would be the long term impact on economic growth?

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Do you expect the cross-elasticity of demand for Subarus with respect to the price of Bentleys to be smaller or larger than their cross-elasticity.

  Economics is the study of the share market

Economics is the study of the share market and its effect on consumers and businesses - Which of the following does not illustrate opportunity cost?

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Derive Karen's optimal consumption using calculus and illustrate your solution on a graph, indicating the coordinates of the relevant points

  Calculate the monopolist profit

Calculate the monopolist's profit.

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