How has technology affected their lives

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131697861

Access to technology is essential for success in today's business world. Many Americans use technology to overcome their disabilities and become fully productive contributors in the workplace. There are many technology solutions available for the disabled, in the United States and abroad.

View information on real-life cases and technology solutions at the following:

Steve Gleason: Eyes on the prize

Surface Pro, Xbox help Washington man overcome life-changing injury | News Center

Switching back to Windows | Marco's Accessibility Blog

A Mother with Hearing Loss Is About to Learn about Microsoft's New Accessibility Tools - Microsoft Accessibility Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

Ryan Asdourian: Blitz mode

Blind and low-vision seniors dance and bowl with Microsoft Xbox games - Microsoft Accessibility Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

Select two cases to examine for this assignment.

Respond to the following:

Explain how technology has affected the lives of the individuals.

Describe any individuals with disabilities you have personally observed who have similar stories (maybe you have your own similar story).

How has technology affected their lives?

Explain how technology has affected your life whether or not disability is a factor.

Write your initial response in 200-250 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources.

Reference no: EM131697861

Questions Cloud

Constructing a confidence interval for population variance : Why would manufacturers and businesses be interested in constructing a confidence interval for the population variance?
Calculate change in cash flows that serves as control figure : Calculate the change in cash flows that serves as the control figure for the statement of cash flows.
Z-scores and the standard normal distribution : Describe the process for finding probabilities using z-scores and the standard normal distribution.
Recommended daily minimum of calories : The World Health Organization's (W.H.O.) recommended daily minimum of calories is 2600 per individual. The average number of calories
How has technology affected their lives : Explain how technology has affected the lives of the individuals.Describe any individuals with disabilities you have personally observed who have similar story.
Minimize shipping costs : Raj's Razors Manufacturing Company has four production facilities. The table below gives the coordinates and number of weekly shipments for each plant.
Review case of cash flow from financing activities : Cash Flow from Financing Activities Tidwell Company experienced the following during 2011: Sold preferred stock for $480,000.
Confidence interval for the average age : They conduct a survey of 100 clients which yields an average age of 32 years with a standard deviation of seven years. Determine a 98% confidence interval.
Prepare the net cash from investing activities : Cash Flow from Investing Activities During 2011, Baker Company had the following transactions: Purchased $100,000 of 10-year bonds issued by Makenzie, Inc.


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