How has struggle for justice and inequality in south africa

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Reference no: EM131562412

Essay Assignment

Write a 5 pages brief on We are the Poors.

Develop an analytical discussion of this book in relation to the larger themes of "globalization and resistance". What does the author mean by "the poors"? How has the struggle for justice and inequality in South Africa developed since the end of apartheid? What has changed, according to the author? Why in the author's view and in your analysis did the leadership of the anti-apartheid struggle betray the poor? How is this case study on South Africa related to globalization, global capitalism, and to the larger themes we have been covering in the course (globalization, international working class movement, global immigrant justice movement, indigenous and anti-racist struggles, etc)?

Reference no: EM131562412

Questions Cloud

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Develop a coherently structured paper with an introduction : Provide an appropriate title and an interesting opening paragraph to appeal. Develop a coherently structured paper with an introduction, body, and conclusion.
How has struggle for justice and inequality in south africa : How has the struggle for justice and inequality in South Africa developed since the end of apartheid? What has changed, according to the author?
What are the attributes of the place that contributesuch : What are the attributes of the place that contributesuch form of inequality? How are citizens and/or governance structures responding to the issue?
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