Reference no: EM132502254
Assignment: Below are the instructions for your "How I Deal With Stress" paper, which is due Sunday, May 3.
For this assignment, you must complete and turn in (via Canvas) a 1 ½-2 page essay covering the following points:
1. How has stress affected you as a college student?
2. How have you coped with stress in the past? Has it been successful? Explain.
3. Over this course, have any of your opinions about your stress changed? Why or why not?
4. What will you take from this course to help you deal with stress in the present/future?
Do not write the paper in a question and answer format. Points will be deducted if you do.
Please remember writing assignment criteria:
All writing assignments are to be on a Word document, typewritten in 12-point, school-appropriate font, double spaced, 1-inch margins (all around), and spell checked. Your name, due date, and assignment description should be typed in the Header portion of the page.
As always, please let me know if you have any questions. Happy writing!