How has scientific knowledge of influenced impact on society

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133400594 , Length: Words Count:600


Choose one topic and write a 500 to 600 word essay discussing its broader relevance to society.

Appropriate topics include: These are examples

  • predator/prey dynamics
  • keystone species
  • food webs
  • ecosystems or biodiversity
  • climate change
  • conservation biology

Your essay should:

1. Explain the science that is relevant to understanding your topic.

  • In this section, your goal should be to show me what you have learned from class.
  • Explain what your topic is, how it works, and what role it has in biology

2. Discuss how your topic is more broadly relevant to society

  • You may need to dig in and do some research outside research to make links between your topic and society.
  • If your topic is something we've done a discussion on, the discussion materials are a great place to start to get ideas on how your topic is relevant to human society.
  • Be specific and include examples! Statistics are always good to illustrate a point. I like to call it "numerical context."

3. Explain why it is important to understand the science behind your topic.

In this section, you should answer the question of "How has our scientific knowledge of [topic] influenced its impact on society?"

  • Be specific and include examples!

Feel free to also include why this is important to you as an individual, too :)

This assignment is open-book. Cite all of the sources you use. Thus, you must cite course sources AND at least two outside peer-reviewed sources, and these additional sources must be trustworthy.

Reference no: EM133400594

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