Reference no: EM131414098
Out of all of the Constitutional Amendments, the First Amendment truly embodies the foundation of the American way of life and is valued highly by American society. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes expressed the belief of many that free speech is essential for competition and the search for the truth. Freedom of speech is important to the United States because it allows for the evaluation and challenge of governmental abuses of power.
Research the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and explain its major provisions and which ones are of significance to prisoners.
Assignment Guidelines:
Using your course materials, textbook, and Web resources, research the provisions of the First Amendment.
Select 3 of the major provisions, and explain why they are important to prisoners.
How has each provision been altered to accommodate both prisoners and prison officials?
Which provision do you feel is the most important?
Post a topic to the Discussion Board that contains your responses pertaining to the information above.
Comment on 2 other students' topics, and offer additional information that supports their arguments, or explain to them why you disagree with their selection of the most important provision of the First Amendment.
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