Reference no: EM132187284
1. Watch Martyrs of the Alamo. In one page explain how D.W. Griffith was ostensibly telling the story of the 1836 Battle of the Alamo but really telling a contemporary story of the United States in 1915. How are the ideas, politics, beliefs, institutions, or understandings of 1915 reflected in Griffith's fictional 1836? (For example: Eugenics, segregation, etc.)
2. Watch The Alamo (1960) with actor and director John Wayne. In one page explain how Wayne was ostensibly telling the story of the 1836 Battle of the Alamo, but was really making a statement about the United States in 1960. How are the ideas, politics, beliefs, institutions, or understandings of 1960 reflected in Wayne's fictional 1836? (For example: The Cold War, rugged individualism, American exceptionalism, etc.)
3. Watch The Alamo (2004) directed by John Lee Hancock and starring Billy Bob Thornton and Dennis Quaid. In one page explain how Hancock was ostensibly telling the story of the 1836 Battle of the Alamo, but was really making a statement about the United States in 2004. How are the ideas, politics, beliefs, institutions, or understandings of 2004 reflected in Hancock's fictional 1836? (For example: multiculturalism, diversity, politics, etc.)
Write one full page, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, 12point, 1 inch margins all around. Each assignment will be worth 5 extra credit points (for a total of 15 points if you choose to watch and write about all three).