How growing your own fruits and vegetables

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133025374

Need to write a proposal argument.

Write about how growing your own fruits and vegetables can benefit you as far as balancing a healthier day-to-day lifestyle.

Thesis is "Growing your own fruits and vegetables, you can control what is being put into it as far as chemicals are concerned."

My target audience is single-income families, the less fortunate, as well as, people with illnesses that require medication

Proposal Argument

General Description

The Norton Field Guide to Writing tells us that Proposal papers provide "ideas put forward for consideration that say, ‘Here is a solution to a problem' or ‘This is what ought to be done'" (Bullock and Weinberg 235). The text also points out that proposals are useful across academic disciplines, professions, and interpersonal communications. Our task in this paperis to detail and argue for the one best solution to a problem you are experiencing in your own life.
First, make a four-column list with the following headings: 1) Problems at home; 2) Problems at school; 3) Problems at work; 4) Problems in my community (which you may define as your neighborhood or your city). Try to list at least three possible topics in each column. Then decide which problem most interests you and/or the one that troubles you so greatly your life would be greatly improved if you solved it. This is the topic you should send to me in our "Proposal Topic" homework assignment. Do not send me your entire list; save those as fallback topics if your first choice does not work.
To write a successful and interesting proposal, you must first choose a subject and narrow the focus of your topic. In order to choose a topic that you can handle in the time and space allowed, you should "think globally, but act locally." In other words, you can pick a subject of state, national, or global import, but you should focus your paper on a comparatively small aspect of that subject.
Once you submit your annotated bibliography, you are locked into that topic and may not change it without a letter-grade penalty.
Next, make a list of possible solutions to your problem. The best solutions will benefit both you and your audience, NOT just you. Which solution works best? Which would seem to create the fewest additional problems? How will you deal with the cost of your solution? What are the exact steps your audience must take, and why are they all necessary, and how does each one work? What counterarguments and alternative solutions will you have to refute?


Your main purpose is to propose the best possible solution to a problem that you have encountered. Keep in mind the advice on this assignment sheet and in Bullock and Weinberg chapter 20. Your secondary purpose is to keep your audience interested.


You must name and define your audience before you research or write. Send your audience to me as part of your Proposal Topic Sheet homework assignment. As always, your audience will determine what you have to say and how you have to say it. Ask yourself who might be interested in the subject of this argument. Who should be interested? What should you know about your audience that will help you determine what you can include or leave out? In this project, your audience should consist of ONE person-the individual with the power to implement your solution, should they find your argument persuasive. You need to know the name of this person and be able to justify why you have chosen them as your audience. Then you need to choose the argument, the persona, the tone, and the diction that will encourage him/her to accept your solution.

Stance, Organization, and Content

Your paper's introductory section should begin with a strong hook and then generally lead into your specific thesis in which you tell exactly what you want your audience to do and why.
In the body of your paper, you will need to perform several tasks, none of which can be omitted without seriously hurting the effectiveness of your proposal and negatively affecting your grade. Each of these tasks should cover one or more fully developed paragraphs.
You must
a) identify the problem that you have chosen and convince your audience that he/she has a stake in fixing this issue (in other words, prove that your problem exists and that your audience should want to help you fix it);
b) identify and examine several possible solutions that could be implemented, and explain/prove why these alternative solutions would not work;
c) argue for YOUR solution, explaining and supporting why it is the best one-is it the most comprehensive? Most affordable? Most ethical? Something else?
d) anticipate other audience counterarguments and refute them logically, providing researched support where necessary and making sure that you deal with cost in a logical manner. If your solution costs money, time, effort, emotional commitment, and so forth, you must suggest ways of offsetting that cost and prove to your audience that such a solution is worth whatever must be paid to implement it.

Attachment:- Assignment Sheet Proposal.rar

Reference no: EM133025374

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11/8/2021 4:21:37 AM

I need to write a proposal argument. Attached is the assignment sheet. I also want this one to be about gardening. I would like to write about how growing your own fruits and vegetables can benefit you as far as balancing a healthier day-to-day lifestyle. My working thesis is “Growing your own fruits and vegetables, you can control what is being put into it as far as chemicals are concerned.” My target audience is single-income families, the less fortunate, as well as, people with illnesses that require medication because I truly believe they can benefit from growing and harvesting their own crops.

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