How greatly time elapses before the compass hits the ground

Assignment Help Physics
Reference no: EM134703


A sailboat is being propelled westerly by the wind at 4m/s. If the current is flowing 2m/s to the northeast, where will boat be in 10 min with respect to its starting position?


A metal sphere of radius 5.00 cm is initially uncharged. How various electrons would have to be placed on the sphere to produce an electric field of magnitude 1.61 105 N/C at a point 7.82 cm from the center of the sphere?


A hot-air balloon is rising upward with a constant speed of 2.54 m/s. When the balloon is 3.09 m above the ground, balloonist accidentally drops a compass over the side of the balloon. How greatly time elapses before the compass hits the ground?

Reference no: EM134703

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