Reference no: EM133335353
Air Transport
1. Take a look at a couple airline ticketing sites and all of the pricing variability. Discuss the differences between locales in pricing.
Air Cargo 2021: The Good, The Bad And The UglyThe air cargo industry has officially recovered from the depths of the pandemic, with volumes in January 1.1% above the 2019 level. The bad news.
2. Air freight pricing is interesting. Take a look at a couple air freight carriers and how they charge prices and what special requirements they have.
3. Briefly examine how government intervention plays a role in the airline industry.
Inland Water Carriers/Pipelines
4. Pipelines are not often thought about when it comes to transportation but are quite controversial as the articles below show- discuss some of the current topics regarding pipelines- what are the special considerations when pipelines are built? Who owns most of the pipelines?
Enbridge pipeline to Wisconsin draws protests, The Enbridge Energy Line 3 oil pipeline will carry crude oil from Canada across a small sliver of North Dakota, through Minnesota and into northwestern Wisconsin.
5. What are some of the considerations/issues when discussing inland water carriers? Are they still an important means of transportation?