How gerald hustache-mathieu explores their coexistence

Assignment Help Humanities
Reference no: EM133328857


For being the shortest film we've seen, The Andalusian Rose pairs some rather grand categories such as art/religion, spirituality/creativity, culture/nature, celibacy/sexuality, femininity/masculinity, physical/metaphysical, freedom/ devotion and so forth. Pick three such pairings (or come up with your own) and discuss how Gérald Hustache-Mathieu explores their coexistence, sometimes even reconciling what we might commonly suppose are opposites. Support your argument with specific details from the film.

Reference no: EM133328857

Questions Cloud

Summarize four conceptions of personhood : Summarize four conceptions of personhood from the textbook Bioethics in a cultural context: Philosophy, religion, history, and politics (pages 152-160).
Is intensive rearing method morally permissible : Is intensive rearing method (industry factory farming) morally permissible? What does Peter Singer say? What does Tom Regan say?
Should ordinary citizens go in advocating rights of planet : How far can and should ordinary citizens go in advocating the rights of the planet, and the roughly 8.7 million other species with which we share it?
What are the grounds of our political obligations : What are the grounds of our political obligations? Make specific reference to two of the following philosophers: Plato, Hobbes, Locke.
How gerald hustache-mathieu explores their coexistence : Discuss how Gérald Hustache-Mathieu explores their coexistence, sometimes even reconciling what we might commonly suppose are opposites.
What are kingdoms but great robberies : "Justice being taken away, then, what are kingdoms but great robberies." "No action can be unjust. But when a covenant is made, then to break it is unjust.
Principles of jus in bello : Is it reasonable to suggest that the Nazi German regime was so evil that the usual principles of jus in bello simply did not apply when fighting against them.
Explain the five accounts of moral status-human properties : Explain the five accounts of moral status - human properties, cognitive properties, moral agency, sentience, and relationships - identifying one major strength.
Watch video-sanjay gupta md-assisted suicide or manslaughter : Discuss how the standards and practices performed by the Final Exit Network differ from those standards set forth in the Oregon Death With Dignity Act.


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