How forelimb bones optimized from biomechanical perspective

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133290131


Horses originally lived on wide, flat plains with sparse plants. The ancestors of horses walked long distances to gather food, and had to outrun predators. Briefly explain how horse forelimb bones have been optimized from a biomechanical perspective to make them excel at walking and running.

Reference no: EM133290131

Questions Cloud

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What are the components of a nucleotide : DNA strands are antiparallel. Be able to determine the complementary strand for a sequence. What are the components of a nucleotide?
Difference between consuming sucrose and hfcs-55 : Why then should there be any significant difference between consuming sucrose and HFCS-55?
How forelimb bones optimized from biomechanical perspective : Briefly explain how horse forelimb bones have been optimized from a biomechanical perspective to make them excel at walking and running.
Type of tissue or body organ system : Choose a type of tissue or body organ system and explain your structure, function, and location and have your classmates guess who/what you are.
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How is sex different from gender : How do these concepts in the video clip relate to the topics discussed so far this semester? Use examples from the book.
Define the fitt principle of exercise training : Define the FITT principle of exercise training and give an example of what each letter represents.


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