How first hospital is able to yield a high level of quality

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Reference no: EM132497713

Assignment: In this Assignment, you will be assessing the quality of services provided by hospitals. Likewise, you will also assess how these hospitals can improve their organizational performance.

1. Using the Medicare Hospital Compare website, research two hospitals varying in quality performance*

• One hospital should display a high level of quality

• One hospital should display a low level of quality

2. Provide a general overview of each hospital (e.g., name, location, bed size, ownership, etc.)

3. Discuss the quality performance differences between hospitals (e.g., survey results, deficiencies, complaints, services provided, value, etc.)

4. Discuss how the first hospital is able to yield a high level of quality.

5. Discuss opportunities for the second hospital to increase their level of quality.

6. Synthesize how each hospital could potentially increase value to their existing services.

7. Report your findings by using one:

Power Point presentation for a Board of Directors (10-12 slides; speaker notes as needed to support assertions).

You can select any to hospitals published on the Medicare Hospital Compare website. You will need to research the database until you locate two hospitals that vary in performance measures. To narrow your selection, consider researching hospitals in your community, previous places of residence, employers, competitors, or even hospitals you would like to network with someday.

Reference no: EM132497713

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