How equal do we want the world to be

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131529293 , Length: word count : 500

Discussion Response

Primary Discussion Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300-500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments.

This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Review the following TED Talks:

Video 1: How equal do we want the world to be? You'd be surprised

Video 2: Color blind or color brave?

Read the following articles:

Age Discrimination in Employment

Ageism in Action? Ageism Inaction

Using the articles and video as resources, address the following questions:

Have you observed any examples of discrimination in the workplace? How did the incident relate to what you have watched and read this week?

Do you feel that discrimination in the workplace violates Kant's categorical imperative? Why or why not?

What suggestions would you offer a manager who is trying to prevent discrimination in the workplace?

A minimum of 1 reference should be used to reinforce your thoughts. Be sure to include it both as an in-text citation and on your reference list at the end of your discussion post.

Peer Responses: Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with at least a 100-word reply, and consider the following question:

Do you agree or disagree with your peers' perspectives on discrimination in the workplace? Why or why not?

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.


Peat, J. A. (2004). Age discrimination in employment. In M. J. Stahl (Ed.), Encyclopedia of health care management. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Retrieved March 17, 2017 from the CREDO database in the CEC Library.

Raynor, B. (2015). Ageism in action? Ageism inaction! Generations, 39(3), 58-63.

TED. (2014, March). Mellody Hobson: Color blind or color brave? [Video file].

TED. (2015, March). Dan Ariely: How equal do we want the world to be? You'd be surprised [Video file].

Reference no: EM131529293

Questions Cloud

What is the history of right to work laws : What is the history of 'Right to Work' laws? Where did they come from? Who proposed them and why? Has their purpose or effect changed since original inception
Define the duties or behaviors where improvement is required : Define the problem. Determine if the problem is a performance problem or a behavior problem. Define the duties or behaviors where improvement is required.
Identify and define five types of relationships consumers : Identify and define five (5) types of relationships consumers can develop with the brands they know and use. Provide an example for each
Determine the received signal when x equals to zero : In a mobile radio system (e.g., cell phones), there is one type of degradation that can be modeled easily with sinusoids.
How equal do we want the world to be : Have you observed any examples of discrimination in the workplace? How did the incident relate to what you have watched and read this week?
Planning is made for road maintenance project : Long range planning is made for a road maintenance project. What are the capitalized costs and which is better?
Design a training proposal : As a part of you training proposal, design a training proposal and identify three specific training initiatives
Calculate the accounting-cash and financial break-even qua : This problem concerns the effect of taxes on the various break-even measures. Calculate the accounting, cash, and financial break-even quantities.
Define the unknown quantities in terms of one variable : Define the unknown quantities in terms of one variable. Translate the question into an equation. Solve the equation, showing all work.


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