How environmental hazard explore impacted the public health

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Reference no: EM132298887 , Length: word count:3800

Assignment -

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

  • Critique the value of scientific papers on environmental health for informing development of potential interventions that address environmental health hazards.
  • Analyze environmental health hazards for quantifying their effects on population health.
  • Recommend intervention strategies for mitigating public health challenges presented by environmental hazards.
  • Recommend appropriate measures for monitoring success of environmental health interventions.
  • Assess the extent to which public health theories predict environmental health trends for informing the development of proactive solutions to environmental health problems.

Prompt -

Your analysis and recommendations paper should answer the following questions: How has the specific environmental hazard you have chosen to explore impacted the public health? What interventions have been tried and what would you recommend to eliminate this hazard?

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Introduction: Choose an environmental health topic, with your instructor's approval, to use as the basis for your analysis and recommendations paper.

A. Briefly introduce your chosen topic. Be sure to explain why it is considered an environmental hazard or threat to environmental health, and provide evidence to support your response.

B. Cite current literature on this environmental hazard by summarizing the articles that you selected to research your topic.

C. Assess the scientific value of each of the sources you cited. In other words, how credible do you feel each of the sources you have selected is for your research on this topic? Be sure to justify your reasoning.

D. What are the key points you drew from each of these sources, and from which section(s) of the article or paper did you cull them?

II. Research-Based Analysis

A. What are the public health implications associated with your chosen topic? Are specific populations at risk with regard to this problem? Be sure to substantiate your claims.

B. What is the origin of the problem? In other words, is it natural, chemical, man-made, etc.? Be sure to provide evidence and examples to support your response.

C. Identify the primary effects on humans associated with your selected topic. These might include physical, mental, socioeconomic, psychosocial, or other effects. Be sure to provide specific examples to support your response.

D. Describe historical, current, or future trends associated with your chosen topic.

E. What public health theories do you feel were used or could be used to predict the trends you identified? For example, how effective were or are they? Be sure to substantiate your claims.

F. How might predicting environmental health trends help to inform the development of proactive solutions to your chosen topic?

G. How might monitoring the success of environmental health interventions help to inform the development of future interventions with regard to your chosen topic?

H. Provide a brief overview of a local, state, or federal program, strategy, or initiative that is already in place to attempt to address your selected topic.

III. Recommendations: Provide recommendations for interventional strategies that either address youre chosen environment health topic or improve upon existing interventions, as well as recommendations for monitoring the success of the proposed strategies.

A. By what mechanism and how effectively does the local, state, or federal program, strategy, or initiative that you identified address the public health implications of your chosen topic? Be sure to substantiate your claims.

B. What measures are in place for determining and monitoring the success of this program, strategy, or initiative? How might the administering agency better track the success of the program, strategy, or initiative? If no measures currently exist, what recommendations would you make and why?

C. What specific recommendations would you make for improving the local, state, or federal program, strategy, or initiative in terms of minimizing the public health risks presented by the problem? Be sure to justify your recommendations.

D. What intervention strategy (or strategies) might you recommend for minimizing the public health challenges presented by the problem? Be sure to justify your recommendation.

E. How would you measure and monitor the success of your recommended intervention strategy (or strategies)? Provide evidence to support your response.

Final Submission: Environmental Health Analysis and Recommendations Paper

In Module Nine, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded using the Final Project Rubric.

Note - Please add key points. For your key points, you could say something to the effect of "In Wang et al. researchers concluded that increases in ozone were associated with increases in all-cause mortality. Additional analysis concluded that increases in person-years exposure were associated with increases in the risk of death.

Reference no: EM132298887

Questions Cloud

Relevance to the transformation of healthcare : Discuss the idea of "being called to a purpose" and its relevance to the transformation of healthcare.
What process is involved in finalising a report : At the last stage of the project, it is important to finalise the project including documentation, sign-offs and reporting review and document the project
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How environmental hazard explore impacted the public health : Choose an environmental health topic - How has the specific environmental hazard you have chosen to explore impacted the public health
What are is the importance of tailoring interventions : What are is the importance of tailoring interventions and messages to the population we are serving? How is this done? How do we determine how messages.
How will the method and learning be evaluated : Write an essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each number item. There should be three.
Explain the current issues the organization is working on : Building the Profession of Nursing. Write a 1000-1500 word APA paper addressing each of the following points. Be sure to completely answer all the questions.
What is the difference between ebp and research : Develop a 12-slide PowerPoint in APA format and a minimum of eight scholarly references which include the headers below: What is the difference between EBP.



5/4/2019 12:01:37 AM

Word count- 3800. Guidelines for Submission: Your analysis and recommendations paper must be 12-15 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and must be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Include at least 5-10 references cited in APA format.


5/4/2019 12:01:29 AM

Introduction: Introduce - Meets 'Proficient" criteria and demonstrates keen insight into criteria for classifying environmental hazards and threats to environmental health. Introduction: Literature - Meets "Proficient" criteria and demonstrates exceptional discernment by citing only professionally legitimate, peer-reviewed sources. Introduction: Scientific Value - Meets 'Proficient" criteria and demonstrates nuanced insight into determining the scientific value of research sources.


5/4/2019 12:01:23 AM

Introduction: Key Points - Meets "Proficient' criteria and demonstrates keen insight into drawing key points from research sources. Analysis: Public Health Implication - Meets "Proficient" criteria and demonstrates keen Insight into quantifying the public health Implications of environmental health hazards. Analysis: Origin - Meets "Proficient" criteria and demonstrates keen insight into the origins, causes, and effects of environmental health hazards. Analysis: Primary Effects - Meets "Proficient" criteria and demonstrates keen insight into Quantifying the causes and effects of environmental health hazards. Analysis: Trends - Meets "Proficient' criteria and demonstrates exceptional insight into environmental health trends. Analysis: Predict - Meets 'Proficient' criteria and demonstrates exceptional insight into the use of public health theories to predict environmental health trends. Analysis: Proactive Solutions - Meets 'Proficient" criteria and draws nuanced connections between environmental health trends and the development of solutions.


5/4/2019 12:01:15 AM

Analysis: Future Interventions – Meets "Proficient" criteria and demonstrates exceptional knowledge of the relationship between monitoring success of interventions and development of future interventions. Analysts: Local, State, or Federal - Meets "Proficient" criteria and response demonstrates keen understanding of multiple levels of interventional strategies for addressing environmental health issues. Recommendations: Mechanism - Meets "Proficient" criteria and demonstrates exceptional insight into appropriate mechanisms for addressing public health challenges presented by environmental health hazards. Recommendations: Measures - Meets "Proficient" criteria and demonstrates keen insight into measuring and monitoring success of interventions.


5/4/2019 12:01:09 AM

Recommendations: improving - Meets "Proficient' criteria and demonstrates exceptional insight into appropriate mechanisms for minimizing public health risks presented by environmental health issues. Recommendations: Minimizing - Meets "Proficient" criteria and demonstrates exceptional insight into mitigating public health challenges presented by environmental health hazards. Recommendations: Success - Meets "Proficient" criteria and demonstrates keen insight into measuring and monitoring success of intervention strategies. Articulation of Response - Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format.

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