How employers do proactively avoid age discrimination

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Reference no: EM133203211 , Length: Word count: 4 Pages

Assignment Problem: Although there are many forms of employment discrimination, age discrimination is increasing due to the aging of the workforce and the Baby Boomer generation. Google has faced two high profile cases related to age discrimination.

In an APA-formatted paper of at least 4 pages, not including the cover page and references, discuss the following:

1. How might leadership have contributed to a culture at Google that leads to age discrimination?

2. Assess the suggested solutions for age discrimination on pages 8-9 of the case. What do you think is the most effective suggested solution and why? What else might employers do to proactively avoid age discrimination?

3. Explain how employment-related discrimination of any kind is an ethical issue and how discrimination is related to corporate social responsibility.

Reference no: EM133203211

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