How emotional intelligence impacts leaders and managers

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Reference no: EM133613704

Leadership and Management in Professional Practice

Task 1
In recent years, Emotional Intelligence has gained a lot of interest among scholars and practitioners and EI has emerged as one of the key factors to enhance leadership and managerial effectiveness. Therefore, you are required to critically evaluate the concept of emotional intelligence and explore the relationship between emotional intelligence and effective leadership. In addition to that, you will also critically review any two topics from the given list.
Part A: Critical Review of Emotional Intelligence and Two Chosen Topics
Part B: Self-Analysis
Part A: To undertake the task, follow the below instructions.

Define and critically appraise the concept of Emotional Intelligence and its various constituents by employing relevant models and theories. Assess the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Leadership. Also, explore how emotional intelligence impacts leaders and managers and influences their attitudes and behaviours. (1000 words)

Present a critical literature review on any two of the following topics of your choice, assess their relevance for the development of leadership and management capability within organisations and how emotional intelligence can play a role in fostering leadership abilities in these chosen areas. (1000 words)

Choose any two topics from the following.
Learning and Development
Networking & Professionalism.

Part B: Carry out a self-analysis by reflecting on the results of various psychometric tests completed as part of this module. Based on your psychometric test results, (i) explain your "Sense of Self", who you are, what makes you unique and what abilities and talents you hold which would propel you towards the achievement of your life goals (both personal & professional. (ii) Also, indicate your life goals (personal & professional/career) and by referring your Psychometric Test results, strengths, and shortcomings, discuss how they influence your attitudes, behaviors, and abilities, and also assess their implications on your future goals. Please use the below matrix in your assignments to complete this part for further clarity. (1000 words)

Psychometric Tests & Results (only name FOUR Psychometric Tests and relevant results).

(i) explain "Sense of Self", who you are, what makes you unique and what abilities and talents you hold which would propel you towards the achievement of your life goals (both personal & professional.

(ii) Also, indicate your life goals (personal & professional/career) and by referring your Psychometric Test results, strengths, and shortcomings, discuss how they influence your attitudes, behaviours, and abilities, and also assess their implications on your future goals.

Task 2

Reflective Logs
Here in this section, include the completed reflective learning logs from your residential covering activities of day 1 and day 2.

Goal One: To develop the skills necessary for employment and career progression

1. Demonstrate awareness of personal strengths and weaknesses and the ability to engage in continuing self-development.
2. Demonstrate the development of inter-personal and intra-personal skills.
3. Demonstrate competence in contemporary analytical and ICT applications.

Goal Two: Be culturally and ethically aware

1. Demonstrate their ability to work in culturally diverse groups and teams and make appropriate and personal contribution to team effectiveness.
2. Reflect on their own ethical values.
3. Understand the wider impact of individual or organisational decision making on social and environmental contexts.

Goal Three: Have developed leadership and management capability
Goal Four: Have developed and applied knowledge of international business and management theory
Goal Five: Have developed a range of research skills and project capabilities

Data Analytics and Project Management for Business Intelligence

Instructions on Assessment:

Data-driven decision making has become increasingly important for modern businesses as it helps organisations to develop, implement, monitor and control their strategies and tactics. Indeed, using data-driven decision making can help you to better understand and analyse business problems and opportunities and identify potential solutions. As such developing data analytics skills can give you competitive edge as more and more employers are increasingly seeking candidates with data analysis and problem-solving skills.

Module Learning Outcomes (MLOs)
Have a critical understanding of project management principles, methods, techniques, and tools.
Be able to critically apply decision making, problem solving and project management skills in a given problem/opportunity scenario.
Be able to critically apply data analytics tools/software packages in a given problem scenario.
Be able to demonstrate and reflect on the interpersonal and team working skills.

Assignment Task 1

Task 1 covers MLO3. This is a group assignment, and the module tutor will assign students to the groups. The presentations will be scheduled in the week 11 and 12. In addition to the module tutors an industry professional will also attend the presentations. The presentation will be of 15 minutes for each group, followed by at 5 minutes questions and answers session. Each group member must contribute to the presentation and must present his or her part.

Background of the task

Northumbria University London is planning to organise convocation in London to ensure most of the graduates of London Campus should get opportunity to be part of the celebrations. The convocation is followed by a concert. The planning and execution on these projects are already stared. The organising committee wants to assess the progress of these two projects.


Your groups are appointed as a Project Analyst by the university management to review the progress. Your group may choose one of the projects (either graduation ceremony or concert). You are expected to deliver a presentation that will critically appraise your chosen project.

The presentation should include these parts:

1. An introduction to the problem/opportunity statement regarding the chosen project
2. Identifying the stakeholders and deliverables of the project
3. Evidence of knowledge of key business intelligence/data analytics systems (developed dashboard MS Excel or other softwares)
4. Critical analysis and justification of developed dashboard (MS Excel)
5. Conclusion and recommendations for the successful implementation and use of a BI / DA solution in your chosen project
6. Clarity of expression. The presentation must be supported by academic references and examples and include a single reference list

Assignment Task 2:
Each student will submit an individual report (word limit 2,000 words). This report will consist of the following sections laid out as follows:

1. Provide the introduction of the project on which you worked a team member. Discuss its planning, execution, and evaluation phase. Critically analyse the tools and techniques used in project management. (600 words)

2. Identify the stakeholders of the project and evaluate the potential causes of conflicts amongst stakeholders for your chosen project. Assess the risk associated with the project during various project life cycle stages and the risk mitigation strategies (1000 words)

3. Reflect on your role as a member of project analyst team. Critically analyse the project team dynamics amongst the team members and role of the team leadership in creating effective project teams to achieve objectives by applying SCRUM Agile Leadership. (400 words)

Reference no: EM133613704

Questions Cloud

Describe the components of the nursing theory : Describe the components of the nursing theory. Explain how you will incorporate this nursing theory into your nursing practice.
Increase revenue for both products : Starbucks' rationale for selling tea in addition to coffee was that selling both products in the same stores would increase revenue for both products.
What are some ways the adlerian approach can be applied : What are some ways the Adlerian approach can be applied to group counseling? What are some advantages of using a group format with this approach?
Identify the originator of the specific modality : NU 672- Identify the originator (creator) of the specific modality. Identify a specific diagnosis or population this modality is especially helpful with.
How emotional intelligence impacts leaders and managers : LD7192 Leadership and Management in Professional Practice, Northumbria University and Define and critically appraise the concept of Emotional Intelligence
Describe the carcinogenesis phase when a tumor metastasizes : Discussed characteristic of malignant tumors regarding it cells, growth and ability to spread. Describe the carcinogenesis phase when a tumor metastasizes.
Explain your professional beliefs about the disorder : Explain your professional beliefs about this disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
Zauner ornaments several years previously : Zauner Ornaments Several years previously, management at Zauner Crystal recognized that growth in the fine-crystal and glass-tableware markets
What are some other interventions that could have been done : What are some other interventions that could have been done? How did the environment of care (busy ER) contribute to the client's deterioration?


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