Reference no: EM133555560
This homework should take no longer than 3-6 hours to complete, but I am allowing a week of time for completion. This should account for varying schedules.
Instructions: Answers should be contained in either a single Word document or PowerPoint presentation. If using PowerPoint, only one answer per slide. Do not zip file before submission.
Number your answers appropriately. If a question has multiple parts, be sure to number those as well (1b, 3c, etc.). If you are skipping an answer, number as usual and note "Question Skipped" or "Not Answered." Keep answers in the order listed in this handout. For written responses, each answer should typically be around 200-250 words (1-2 nice paragraphs), well-written (proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc.), and cover the topic fully. Be sure to cite your sources (including the textbook)! If an answer requires a screenshot, please make sure that your screenshot shows all relevant information and is large enough to be easily legible. Points will be deducted if your submission is not properly formatted as detailed above.
You are an employee of the DigiFirm Investigation Company. As part of its internal training program, the company is preparing a series of short presentations on computer-related topics.
You have been asked to contribute a presentation that focuses on email.
For this homework:
I. Create a PowerPoint presentation that includes:
i. Graphic depiction(s) of how email is transferred from sender to receiver and which protocols are involved
ii. The types of information that forensic email investigations typically attempt to uncover
II. Log in to the JB Learning Cloud Labs and complete Lab 7: Conducting Forensic Investigations on Email and Chat Logs. For deliverables, submit the following:
i. Challenge and Analysis, Part I Search for Additional Email Evidence, take a screenshot showing the email thread returned in the search results.
ii. Challenge and Analysis, Part II Search for Additional Chat Evidence, take a screenshot showing the additional evidence within the Discord database.