How effectively does the organization capture

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM131851499

Lessons Learned About Lessons Learned

Read the paper, "Lessons Learned About Lessons Learned" then answer the following questions. Business leaders must think about quality as a holistic concept involving product/service quality, process quality, etc. all residing within an enabling culture. For example, an organizational culture that values facts and data, not opinion and power, is more apt to be able to recognize quality problems then work together to resolve them.

Also, an organization that values learning and sharing knowledge will be able to recognize opportunities for significant improvement. This paper offers a framework for thinking about and discussing how organizations identify, capture, retrieve, and apply what they know.


1. The paper describes four ways that organizations capture the lessons they have learned. Using several sentences, describe each of the four and provide an example.

2. Think about your workplace, or an organization with which you may be familiar. How effectively does the organization capture and use what it learns? Which, if any, of the four ways mentioned in the paper are practiced?

3. Assume you are the newly assigned manager of the department or organization. What steps would you take to improve how the organization captures and uses what it learns?

Reference no: EM131851499

Questions Cloud

What advantages are requiring variables to have a data type : What advantages are there to requiring variables to have a data type? Would you prefer to write a large program by yourself?
What did you learn from the obstacles that you can apply : What did you learn from the obstacles that you can apply to a creative idea or project that you are currently working on at work or school?
What would have to happen for this situation : Was this a violation...why or why not? If this was not a violation, what would have to happen for this situation to be a violation of her privacy?
Compute batting averages for the players : Draw the hierarchy chart and design the logic for a program for the manager of Jeter County softball team who wants to compute batting averages for his players.
How effectively does the organization capture : The paper describes four ways that organizations capture the lessons they have learned. Using several sentences, describe each of the four & provide an example.
Calculate an employees projected salary following a raise : Write a program for the owner of Bits and Pieces Manufacturing Company, who needs to calculate an employee's projected salary following a raise.
Draw the hierarchy chart and design the logic for a program : Draw the hierarchy chart and design the logic for a program that contains housekeeping, detail loop, and end-of-job modules.
Revise the size-determining program to execute continuously : Revise the size-determining program to execute continuously until the user enters 0 for the height in inches.
Revise the profit-determining program : Revise the profit-determining program so that it runs continuously for any number of items. The end-of job module executes after 0 is entered for the wholesale.


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