Reference no: EM133317068
Question: How effective is psychotherapy for depression compared to drug therapy?
Quantitative Mini-Proposal
Mini Literature Review
Brief review of the scholarly information you found concerning your topic. Your review should describe any important concepts involved with your topic, as well as describe the results other studies have reported on your topic. Per the assignment instructions, you should review at least three empirical articles (required) and one non-empirical article (optional). This section should be at least 2-3 paragraphs.
Quantitative Research Question
In this section, identify a quantitative research question to guide the proposal. You are only required to identify one research question, but you may include more than one if you choose. When drafting your research question, please ensure that the language aligns with the intended methodology. (Quantitative methodology should include assessing for differences or relationships, while qualitative should include an experience of a phenomenon). For quantitative research questions, be sure to identify any independent and dependent variables. Keep in mind that the rest of your proposal should outline how you will conduct your research to answer the identified research question noted here.
Quantitative Research Design
In this section, identify and describe the specific design you have chosen to conduct your research study. You may choose from the following quantitative design options: correlational, experimental, quasi-experimental, time-series, or survey. After identifying the design you intend to use, provide a rationale as to why this design is the best fit for your topic.
Quantitative Sampling Strategy
In this section, describe your intended sampling strategy. Specifically, be sure to identify and describe the population for your study, including characteristics such as age, gender, ethnicity, position/status, or any other defining attributes. You will also need to provide details as to how you will select your sample from this population and how many participants you plan to include in your sample.
Quantitative Data Collection
In this section, identify the date collection strategies you would use to collect data for your study. Specifically, you will need to identify any measurement instruments you would use and how you would use them. For example, will you use a depression inventory to measure levels of depression and collect it using an online survey? Remember, the type of data you collect should be directly related to the research question you identified above for your study.
Quantitative Data Analysis
For this section, explain how you will analyze the data once it is collected. Specifically, identify the statistical analysis you will use to answer your research question based upon the intent of the research question and the type of data you collected. Remember, there are group differences analyses (like t-test or ANOVA) and relationship analyses (like correlation or regression) to choose from.
Ethical and Cultural Concerns
In this section, describe the ethical and cultural concerns that might be present in the study you are proposing. Per the assignment instructions, be sure to identify at least one potential ethical concern and how it could be addressed as well as at least one potential cultural concern and how it could be addressed.
Mixed-Methods Alternative
In this final section, describe how your topic might have been studied using a mixed-methods approach. Specifically, note what would look different about the study if you incorporated the components of a mixed-methods design. Also, be sure to explain if you believe a mixed-methods design would be a stronger approach and why or why not.