How effective do you think scared straight program portrayed

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Reference no: EM133731517

Discussion Post: Scared Straight

Watch the YouTube video "Scared Straight 1978" and answer the following questions.

I. How effective do you think the "Scared Straight" program portrayed in the documentary was in deterring juvenile delinquents? What evidence or data from the documentary supports your assessment?

II. In what ways does the documentary raise ethical and moral questions about the treatment of young offenders? Are there aspects of the program or the interactions between inmates and teenagers that you find problematic or controversial?

III. "Scared Straight" was a groundbreaking documentary that had a significant impact on the criminal justice system. How has the approach to juvenile justice evolved since 1978, and what lessons can we learn from the documentary in shaping more effective and humane interventions for young offenders today?

Reference no: EM133731517

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