How effective compliance program can defend against scrutiny

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM133530992

Assignment: Business Finance- Management- Financial Relationships

As a compliance officer, it is important to have a good understanding of financial relationships within the organization you work?for. Financial relationships?can be affected by internal and external stakeholders, which is why it is necessary to have a strong, organized database to track financial relationships within an?organization.

Write a 700 to 1,050 words paper that explains the?following:

1. The risks of financial relationships between hospitals, physicians, and referral sources.

2. The reasons for creating a database to track financial relationships.

3. How an effective compliance program can defend against scrutiny and investigation?

Reference no: EM133530992

Questions Cloud

What motivates your pursuit of a graduate degree : What motivates your pursuit of a graduate degree? Which goals will the degree help you achieve? How will this course assist you in the overall pursuit
How does the sarbanes oxley legislation impact the manner : How does the Sarbanes/Oxley legislation impact the manner in which a business is conducted and documented? What about the record retention rules?
Consumer contract in terms of the fair trading act : Advise Henry Is the contract with the supplier likely to be a standard form consumer contract in terms of the Fair Trading Act 1986?
Why should a profit-making organization be socially : why should a profit-making organization be socially responsible to its various stakeholders? In an organization why some business people might be seen
How effective compliance program can defend against scrutiny : The reasons for creating a database to track financial relationships. How an effective compliance program can defend against scrutiny and investigation?
Discuss the parole evidence rule : With the aid of decided cases or examples, discuss the parole evidence rule. In your view, is this rule sound? What possible changes would you suggest?
Describe financial trend and comparative financial analysis : Describe the financial trend and comparative financial analysis graphically. Be creative here, a picture is worth a thousand words!
Select a country outside united states and its territories : Select a country outside the United States and its territories - Brazil. Go to the Geert Hofstede's Six Cultural Dimensions website and enter the country
How you would like to make a difference in your world : Consider how you would like to make a difference in your world and how this might align with ideas you may have at this point about your capstone project.


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