How effective are the current countermeasures

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Reference no: EM133497353

Make a Research Report about Cash-in-Transit Robberies in South Africa

Research Question:

What causes the high frequency of cash-in-transit robberies in South Africa, and what preventive measures could be implemented to reduce the incidence of these kinds of thefts?

2.Explain and give examples of this Research Questions:

1. How frequent are robberies at places for cash-in-transit in South Africa, and how have they changed over time?

2. What are the root causes of South Africa's high rate of CIT robberies, and how may these factors be lessened?

3. What kinds of tendencies, patterns, and tactics that criminals often use may be seen in CIT robberies?

4. What kind of effects do CIT-related robberies have on the public, law enforcement, and the victims?

5. How effective are the current countermeasures in preventing robberies against CITs, and what other methods might be employed to reduce the frequency of this crime?

Reference no: EM133497353

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