Reference no: EM133150699
CPCCBC4002A_TS Manage occupational health and safety in the building and construction workplace
Question: Manage occupational health and safety in the building and construction workplace
1. What is a building contract and when is one required in your state?
2. Identify the legislation that governs building contracts in your state and state its objective.
3. Identify four (4) main types of building contracts and briefly describe why they would be used.
4. Identify and describe the five (5) essential elements of a legally binding contract/agreement
5. Identify the legislation that governs building licensing requirements in your state and list its objectives.
6. Identify the two (2) legislative documents that govern occupational health and safety in your state and describe their objectives.
7. Identify four (4) other high risk construction activities as nominated in current OHS legislation.
8. What is a WHS management plan and when is one required according to current OHS legislation?
9. List and describe the four (4) obligations that a principal contractor has regarding such plans.
10. Identify the purpose of general construction induction training and the obligations of principal contractors have regarding such training.
11. Identify and describe the mandatory insurance requirements for operating a business within the building and construction industry.
12. List the seven (7) parts of the Building and Construction General On-site Award 2010.
13. What are the objectives of the Asbestos Advisory Standards? Undertake online research to complete this question.
14. What are the objectives of the Concrete Pumping Supplement? Undertake online research to complete this question.
15. What are the objectives of the Construction Workplace Advisory Standard? Undertake online research to complete this question.
16. What are the objectives of the Demolition Advisory Standard? Undertake online research to complete this question.
17. What are the objectives of the Excavation Advisory Standard? Undertake online research to complete this question.
18. What are the objectives of the Falling Objects Advisory Standard? Undertake online research to complete this question.
19. What are the objectives of the Falls from Heights Advisory Standard? Undertake online research to complete this question.
20. What are the objectives of the Formwork Advisory Standard? Undertake online research to complete this question.
21. What are the objectives of the Manual Handling Code of Practice (QLD)? Refer to the Hazardous Manual Tasks - Code of Practice (Page 4).
22. What are the objectives of the Noise Advisory Standard? Undertake online research to complete this question.
23. What are the objectives of the Plant Advisory Standard? Undertake online research to complete this question.
24. What are the objectives of the Scaffolding Advisory Standard? Undertake online research to complete this question.
25. What are the objectives of the Steel Construction Advisory Standard? Undertake online research to complete this question.
26. What are the objectives of the Work on Roofs Advisory Standard? Undertake online research to complete this question.
Part A - Potential risk areas
Activity 1
Prior to starting this assessment, please provide the following details regarding the building and construction site that you are currently working on:
Activity 2
Each building/construction site will have its own range of specific risks. Identify five (5) specific risks associated with your role while on site. When determining the risk that might apply, ensure you consider your organisation's processes, procedures and requirements.
Activity 3
Based on the risks that you have highlighted in Activity 2, develop a risk register, outlining the likelihood of the risk occurring, the impact of risk, evaluation of the risk treatment and formulate the most appropriate option for treating the risk. When determining the risk that might apply, ensure you consider your organisation's processes, procedures and requirements.
Part B - Conduct an inspection
Activity 1
In order to identify hazards and risks, you are required to conduct a workplace inspection, with a focus on construction documentation, plant (general) and manual handling.
For this activity, you are required to submit supplementary evidence to demonstrate that you completed the workplace inspection.
The supplementary evidence required is:
Three (3) photos of your workplace while you are conducting the inspection. This could relate to any problems that arise during the inspection, such as a piece of electrical equipment that did not a have an appropriate test and tag label.
Part C - Implementation of control measures
Activity 1
Based on your completed workplace inspection, outline any recommendations that you are planning on making.
Activity 2: Part 1
Risk control measures are a crucial tool to aid in the prevention of accident or injury in the workplace. Drawing on the completed workplace inspection and recommendations, develop risk control measures for at least three (3) areas. Ensure your control measures considers the hierarchy of control.
Activity 2: Part 2
With your control measures in place, you need to seek advice from relevant people to ensure that these are compliant relating to statutory requirements. Relevant people to seek advice from can be designers, employers, manufacturers and importers, members of site safety committees, persons in control of workplaces, principal contractors, self-employed persons and subcontractors, suppliers of plant or workers.
Conduct interviews with relevant individuals that can assist with your risk control measures. At least two (2) interviews must be completed.
Activity 2: Part 3
Toolbox talks are a way to ensure all workers are participating in safety activities, and have an opportunity to discuss hazards/controls, incidents and accidents. As part of the Work Health and Safety Act, employers must provide employees and other relevant stakeholders the opportunity to regularly engage in health and safety discussions.
For this part of the activity, you are to conduct a toolbox to seek agreement and implementation of the control measures development in Activity 2: Part 1 from relevant workplace personnel. Relevant workplace personnel includes employees, members of site safety committee, the owner of the business, contractors and other workers, such as subcontractors.
Activity 3
Once control measures are implemented, including temporary measures, they must be assessed, monitored and reviewed to ensure:
they have been implemented correctly
they are effective in controlling the risk
they have not introduced any other hazards into the workplace, and
workers are complying with them.
Two (2) weeks from when your toolbox talk was completed in Activity 2, conduct a review on the control measures that were implemented. Answer the following questions for each risk identified previously.
Part D - Education programs and communication
Activity 1
Under statutory requirements and best practice guidelines in the building and construction industry, there must be appropriate communication strategies and educational programs established.
Activity 2
Based on your assessment, how effective are the communication and educational programs within your workplace? If none exist, please research the internet and provide your suggestions below.
You are required to conduct a meeting with your supervisor and co-workers to discuss effective strategies for communicating OHS/WHS policy and other workplace practices to other on a building/construction work site.
Some effective strategies for communicating OHS/WHS information on a construction site include:
On noticeboards
Posters displayed around the site
Through meetings such as toolbox talks
On safety signage
By email such as safety alerts
You will be required to conduct a meeting with two (2) participants from your workplace, such as your supervisor and another co-worker.
Your trainer and/or assessor will use the observation checklist observation checklist to assess your communication skills.
You must video record this session and submit the video recording as part of your assessment submission. The video recording must contain clear audio and visuals and address the activity requirements.
The purpose of the meeting is to assess your ability to:
Effectively open and close the meeting
Discuss two (2) effective strategies for communicating OHS/WHS policy and practices at your workplace
Demonstrate active listening and effective communication by sharing information, and confirming that other have understood by asking questions
Seek advice and consult others on strategies
Use language and concepts (including use and interpreting non-verbal communication appropriately), considering the cultural differences between them and you
Use effective interviewing skills through asking questions to other and where necessary negotiate outcomes on the establishing effective communication strategies