How economy coordinates societys independent economic actors

Assignment Help Public Economics
Reference no: EM131304810


Hello I have a new class and assignment. It's in Macroeconomics. I was wondering if you would like to do the assignment listed below. Please let me know.

Your organization's CEO is concerned that members of the strategic planning committee are not familiar with current economic thought and principles. The CEO has assigned you the task of developing an 875-word report to introduce some of these thoughts and principles. Use Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 in Principles of Macroeconomics as your only source.

Explain the following information in your report to members of the strategic planning committee:

• How economists are both scientists and policymakers and what principles society uses to allocate its scarce resources
• Using the circular flow model, explain the flow of money and goods in an economy.
• How the economy coordinates society's independent economic actors
• A country's gross domestic product (GDP) and how it is defined and calculated
• How the consumer price index (CPI) is constructed and why it is an imperfect measurement of the cost of living

References are not required for this assignment; however, if you use references please follow these guidelines.

Peer-reviewed are the only types of references you can use in all of your papers. Peer-reviewed means that the article was reviewed by scholars and meets certain standards with regards to a publication or a discipline. Peer reviewed/scholarly articles are typically written by professors or specialists. Do not use sources such as 'Wikipedia'.

A great clue that something is peer reviewed or scholarly: The article contains a list of references or cites. At the bottom of this page you will see 'Reference and Citation Generator'. Please use this tool to develop your references accurately.

Reference no: EM131304810

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