Reference no: EM131394855
I need this question back by monday. You mention that utilitarian ethics has a major impact on the development of a moral approach to addressing political, economic and social challenges. Utilitarians argue that we ought to do the greatest good for the greatest number. Can you give an example of how this theory has been applied to a social, political or economic challenge?
Treating Mental Disorders
Choose a mental disorder that you are personally interested in exploring. You may choose one of the disorders listed below or any other disorder of interest to you.
• Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
• Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
• Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
• Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
• Social Anxiety Disorder
• Agoraphobia
• Panic Disorder
• Schizophrenia
• Conduct Disorder
• Oppositional Defiant Disorder
• Narcissistic Personality Disorder
• Antisocial Personality Disorder
• Avoidant Personality Disorder
• Borderline Personality Disorder
• Addiction
Once you have chosen your disorder, search the internet and/or the Kaplan Library to find a credible source that discusses how this disorder is treated. (Remember your previous reading on credible sources in Unit 8 and be sure you evaluate your source according to the criteria listed in this reading.) Your source should be current and no more than 5 years old. Based on your reading of the source you have found, answer the following questions:
1. Name the disorder and briefly explain it.
2. List your source(s) and why you believe it is credible.
3. Discuss how the DSM-5 plays a role in diagnosing a psychological disorder. (Note: refer back to the Key Terms document which you have been using throughout the course).
4. Describe the assessment process for the disorder you have chosen, if such a process was mentioned in your source (e.g., tests used to assess the disorder, data collected to measure the disorder, classifying the disorder by level of severity). If it was not mentioned in your source, please locate a secondary source for this information.
5. Describe the treatment strategies/theory that your source says are effective for treating the disorder, including any discussion in your source about how to choose a level of care.