How dollar shave club disrupted gillette

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133166025

In-Class Discussion: MiniCase 5: Business Model Innovation: How Dollar Shave Club Disrupted Gillette

Be prepared to discuss:

1. If you buy shaving equipment, do you purchase it in a retail store or online? Explain your choice.

2. How was Gillette initially able to gain a competitive advantage? Was Gillette able to sustain its competitive advantage? If so, how?

3. What market opening did entrepreneurs, such as Michael Dubin of Dollar Shave Club, use to enter the industry? How did they enter the industry? What type of innovation did they use, and why were they successful?

4. Why did Unilever offer $1 billion (in cash!) for Dollar Shave Club?

5. Do you think online startups such as Dollar Shave Club and Harry's will continue to steal market share from Gillette? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM133166025

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How dollar shave club disrupted gillette : In-Class Discussion: MiniCase 5: Business Model Innovation: How Dollar Shave Club Disrupted Gillette
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