Reference no: EM132626002
Question - Business types are generally classified as either service, merchandising, or manufacturing entities. Oftentimes, however, a business may be involved in more than one endeavor such as providing a service and selling a product at the same time. As far as ownership, a business may be owned by one individual (proprietorship), by two or more persons (partnership), or by many investors (corporation).
1. Assume that you want to start a business; what would it be? Describe the type of business you would like to start. Would it be classified as a service, a merchandiser, a manufacturer, or a hybrid (more than one) type of business? Conduct research as needed and explain your classification. What form of ownership would you prefer? Proprietorship, partnership, or corporation? If a corporation, what type of corporation? What factors would you consider in making your determination? Research the benefits and potential drawbacks of your chosen form of ownership beyond the information provided in the textbook.
2. Additionally, list at least 3 asset accounts and 3 liabilities accounts you would expect your new business to have.
3. Lastly, assume you were to invest $50,000 into your new business venture. How would your ownership interest be presented in the equity section of the business balance sheet, specifically?
For your replies, consider the following questions: How does your type of business differ from that of your peers? How are they similar? Do you agree/disagree with your classmates' form of business ownership? Do peers identify further information that would help you in your selection process? Also comment on the assets and liabilities listed and on the presentation of equity due to the $50,000 owner's investment into the business venture.
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