How does your role help in attainment of the district goals

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Reference no: EM133558806

Assignment: Diversified Field Experience Shadowing Experience

Directions: Explain the purpose of the interview, and how the information will be used. (You may be asked to submit the questions prior to the interview). Ask the questions and record the individual's responses.

Northside Jr. High School, Shelby MS

School Description: Briefly describe your school including the demographics?

I. How do you view your role as a principal?

II. What are your major functions? What percent of your time is spent in each function?

Function Percent of Time

III. What specific competencies do you consider important to accomplish you responsibilities?

IV. What type of experience would best prepare someone for a position like yours?

V. How many people are you responsible to and for?

VI. To what extent do you delegate principal responsibilities to other staff members?

VII. How does your role help in attainment of the district goals?

VIII. What impact does your position have on students?

IX. How do you provide for staff development for both those who are satisfactorily functioning and those who are less than satisfactorily functioning?

X. Explain how you perform teacher evaluations.

XI. How do you allocate time to observe staff members?

XII. What techniques do you use to assist borderline teachers to obtain a satisfactory competency level?

XIII. What is the most rewarding part of your job?

XIV. To what extent is public relations involved in your job?

XV. Do you have any recommendations for me as a potential administrator in terms of how I plan for?

1) The development of my career?

2) The selection of an organization?

3) Becoming a highly effective administrator?

Reference no: EM133558806

Questions Cloud

Identify one technique and one skill you can use to assist : Identify one technique and one skill you can use to assist children in implementing their ideas in each area. Techniques are different ways of carrying out
Are we to sympathize with the narrator you selected or not : Analyze one of the stories from chapter 5 in terms of their narrators. For the story and narrator you select, what do we learn about him or her
What is your reaction to this real-life scenario : Was the student wrong? Was the manager wrong? What is your reaction to this real-life scenario and cultural difference that I witnessed?
Where do you stand on this approach to curriculum : Where do you stand on this approach to curriculum? Prospective Educators: How do you perceive the use of holidays as a means to teach about different cultures?
How does your role help in attainment of the district goals : To what extent do you delegate principal responsibilities to other staff members? How does your role help in attainment of the district goals?
How does this experience relate to the course materials : How does this experience (capturing video of your own teaching, analyzing your own teaching, analyzing a peer's teaching, participating in coaching conversation
What did you learn about yourself as a teacher from it : What was the experience like of watching yourself teach, analyzing your video, and being coached by a peer? What tensions did you experience?
What some of your boundaries limits considerations would be : Describe at least TWO Art or Discovery exploration/activities/materials you saw in the video that you could use. Fully describe as if we did not all see
What is role of the reader questions in workplace writing : What is the role of the reader's questions in workplace writing? They help the writer generate a list of potential topics for future documents


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