How does yoshino text and widdecombe text connect

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133355958

Question 1. Widdecombe suggests that there is a fine line between body acceptance/ fat shaming and glorification. Where do you envision that line? Provide text support for your response.

Question 2.

  • How does yoshino text and Widdecombe text connect ? How so? Provide text support.
  • Provide an idea from a writer we have encountered that complicates Widdecombe's ideas. Provide text support.

Question 3. Widdecombe provides some of the names in the mainstream fashion industry that have helped to push body acceptance.

  • Choose one of the women or men that Widdicombe profiles who work in full-figured fashion. Would you describe them as an activist? Why or why not?
  • What unique ideas can you contribute to this discussion of others that have helped to push body acceptance as well?


Reference no: EM133355958

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