How does urbanization in the united states differ from

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Reference no: EM133389681

Questions: Could you provide an in-depth explanation to these questions from the book Gottdiener M. Hutchison R. & Ryan M. T. (2015). The new urban sociology (Fifth). Westview Press. While providing outside sources as well to these questions and the specific chapters from the book

1. How does urbanization in the United States differ from that of earlier eras discussed in Chapter 2 of the Fifth Edition of The New Urban Sociology book by Mark Gottdiener, Ray Hutchinson, and Michael T. Ryan. Identify three specific differences and explain their significance for urban and suburban development in the United States. s. Chapter 1 provides some useful U.S. population statistics for recent decades, but you should focus on comparing processes and patterns of urbanization discussed in chapter 2 with those discussed in chapters 5 and 6.

2. What is the role of political economy in urbanization and city life? In answering this question, you will want to discuss three separate aspects of the role of political economy in shaping urbanization and/or city life. Here are some examples of aspects you could focus on: You could discuss how capitalist industrialization (as a form of "extended commodity production") contributed to the unprecedented growth of cities (in ways that "simple commodity production," for example, could not).

Could you discuss the significance of "uneven development" by defining it and describing its causes and consequences.

Could you describe a specific theory (e.g., class conflict, capital accumulation, growth machine, socio spatial perspective) or the ideas of a theorist (e.g., Lefebrve, Engels) and explain how they help foster an understanding of the role of political economy in urbanization.

Could you explain the roles of government and real estate institutions in shaping patterns of urbanization. You could describe broader consequences of capitalist urbanization, such as how modern city life changes people's ways of thinking and living (for better or worse).


Reference no: EM133389681

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