How does this talk change the way you think about sleep

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Reference no: EM133244694

Question - Sleep and its Importance Discussion

Sleep is incredibly important and powerful. Many of us don't give it the attention it deserves. We may not realize how much it affects our daily behavior, thinking, and feeling either.

Think about how you slept last night:

What did you do before you went to sleep?

How long did it take you to fall asleep?

Do you remember dreaming? What do you think Freud might say about your dream?

Did you have any trouble sleeping? What was the trouble?

Approximately how many hours of sleep did you get?

How did you feel the next morning?

Please watch at least one of the talks on sleep. Consider what surprised you about this talk.

What really got your attention?

How does this talk change the way you think about sleep?

What questions does it raise for you?

How can you use the information you learned to improve your life or that of someone you know?

Reference no: EM133244694

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