How does this situation impact management decision making

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132164522

Snyders of Hanover, which sells about 80 million bags of pretzels, snack chips, and organic snack items each year, had its financial department use spreadsheets and manual processes for much of its data gathering and reporting. Hanover’s financial analyst would spend the entire final week of every month collecting spreadsheets from the heads of more than 50 departments worldwide. She would then consolidate and re-enter all the data into another spreadsheet, which would serve as the company’s monthly profit-and-loss statement. If a department needed to update its data after submitting the spreadsheet to the main office, the analyst had to return the original spreadsheet, then wait for the department to re-submit its data before finally submitting the updated data in the consolidated document.

Copy the following questions and respond by writing, at a minimum, one or two well-developed paragraphs for each question. Be sure to cite the text to support your responses by integrating evidence through quotations, paraphrases, or summaries.

How does this situation impact business performance?

How does this situation impact management decision making?

Reference no: EM132164522

Questions Cloud

What types of insurance should property manager : What types of insurance should a property manager make sure they have?
Why is management plan for retail property : Why is a management plan for a retail property different than the plan for a residential property? Explain why this is important.
What are the important and the emerging issues in branding : What are the Important and the emerging issues in branding. As a property manager, what energy-efficiency strategies could you use to save money?
Student is enrolled in neither accounting nor statistics : If a business student is selected at random, what is the probability that the student is enrolled in neither accounting nor statistics?
How does this situation impact management decision making : How does this situation impact business performance? How does this situation impact management decision making?
Typically be included in property management plan : What elements should typically be included in a property management plan?
Important in helping nascent economies : Purpose of Assignment As globalization continues to expand worldwide, multinational financial institutions become more important in helping nascent economies.
The issues you face when dealing with each public : Your paper should present a brief overview of the organization and then you should analyze your public and the issues you face when dealing with each public.
What country is example of high-context culture : What country is an example of a high-context culture? How does a high-context culture differ from a low-context culture?


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